Large dragon collection for sale, some rare pieces (update: 8/16/2011 ALL SOLD)

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Large dragon collection for sale, some rare pieces (update: 8/16/2011 ALL SOLD)

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      EDIT: I’ve gotten word that all of the pieces that she intends to sell are already sold, sorry everyone!

      Hi everyone,

      I have been contacted by a lady named Jill. Very sadly… her daughter, who was a Windstone collector, passed away and Jill does not want to keep the dragons. She’d like to sell them to other collectors.

      Jill does not have an account here so I am posting to help her sell her items. I do not know her, I am just trying to help her find homes for her daughter’s pieces. She contacted me via email to help her, and as some of you know from the past I am dedicated to helping in these situations where a family member is trying to sell the collection of someone who has passed on.

      I am collecting a little more information from Jill before giving out the list and her email, in hopes that it will go more smoothly for her. She is going to try to get photos this weekend if her camera works. I should emphasize that Jill herself is not a collector, is not an ‘expert’ about Windstones like we are, and undoubtedly going through a very hard time so I’m asking everyone to keep their manners in check and not be too crazy. She has a few items I know you guys might really want and it’d break my heart to see a fight break out over them.

      Stay tuned for more details.

      EDIT: More details and pieces listed below.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Ugh. That is heartbreaking.

        Even though I’m excited, I will be on my best behavior 0:)

        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


          That breaks my heart to hear that. 😥


            Sad I hope we can help her out . Tell her to take her time . No , no drama . She doesn’t need that . Not at this time .


            I am so sorry she lost her daughter. I have a friend whose 23 year old daughter died several years ago and she has never gotten over it. I hope that Jill has a good support network.


              I hope nobody takes advantage of her . She has Jennifer who knows what they are worth .
              Especially those crazy emerald dragons with orange eyes .


                Her daughter wasn’t a member of the forum, was she? o.o


                  Last Edit: 6/18/2011 7:45 EST

                  Sadly yes, her daughter was a forum member. She went by Yevon here (though that is not her real name).
                  I have been talking to Jill today and have identified most of the collection. There are a few pieces that we are not sure on, and photos will help. Please be patient as she finds the time to do that this weekend, if her camera will work!

                  Here is the list. It is very important to note that Jill is not a collector and is not familiar with Windstones the way that we are! Please be kind and patient with her.

                  To be totally clear: I do not know Jill beyond from our emails today. I have not seen the Windstones and am only trying to help her get in contact with collectors so that she can sell her daughter’s collection. I don’t know the condition of the pieces and have only made best guesses based on her descriptions and sending her photos to identify. Please use your best judgement and ask Jill any questions you might have! I do not know anything about these pieces beyond what I am posting here.

                  This is what Jill wrote me, I have added my notes in blue:

                  “” I have identified most of the dragons my daughter collected. Some are signed, some I think are “retired”. I have many of the original boxes they were sent in. My daughter passed at age 23, I don’t want these dragons and I want to sell them. So far, this is what I think I have:

                  Emperor dragon, black/gold (has tag)

                  Emperor dragon, dark blue/teal (has tag) (Jennifer notes: We have established this is a Peacock Emperor)

                  Old Warrior dragon, emerald/gold, old (retired?) and signed & has red eyes (has tag) (Jennifer notes: We have established this is an Emerald Old Warrior — Based on the photos below it is a PROTOTYPE Emerald OW.) NOT AVAILABLE — Jill decided to keep this piece, it was her daughter’s first piece. Sorry for any confusion!

                  Old Warrior dragon, brown/gold tips (retired?) and signed (has tag) (Jennifer notes: We have established this is a Brown Old Warrior) SALE PENDING

                  Rising Spectral, emerald (has tag)

                  Lap Dragon, brown (blue eyes) signed (retired?) (has tag) SALE PENDING

                  male dragon, olive (no tag) (Jennifer notes: We have established this is a Green Male)

                  male dragon, brown (no tag)

                  Fledgling dragons:
                  brown (signed); SALE PENDING
                  gold (signed); SALE PENDING
                  emerald flame; (Jennifer notes: We have established this is a normal Emerald Fledge,)
                  violet flame; SALE PENDING
                  red (Jennifer notes: We have established this is a Ruby Fledge)
                  alll have tags except green

                  Scratching dragon, redfire (has tag)

                  Mother dragon, emerald/peacock (has tag) (Jennifer notes: based on the photos below this is actually a RAINBOW mother.)

                  Coiled dragon:
                  and brown – no tag on emerald/peacock

                  Curled dragons:
                  brown, SALE PENDING
                  darker emerald (signed), (Jennifer notes: Based on a photo we have figured out this is an Emerald Peacock curlie, signed by Melody.) SALE PENDING
                  all have tags

                  Little Sea Serpent – blue – signed (no tag, Windstone stamp on bottom) (Jennifer notes: Based on photos this is a PYO dragon painted by Purplecat in 2007, see photo.)

                  There are also some hatchling dragons up in her room but I’d rather not go in there right now.
                  I will take money orders (postal) as payment. It’s very kind of you to offer to do this. This weekend I will dig out the boxes I have, many I think were saved for any possible future move we might make.””

                  To contact Jill, email her at and be sure to include something about Windstones in the subject. Be patient with her on photos please, and be kind! She is no doubt having a hard time.

                  I will post photos once I get them this weekend or whenever she has a chance to take them.

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                  My art:


                    Thats just alful :(( She was so young.

                    I hope her family can find some peace.


                    Wampus Dragon

                      I sent her an email. I didnt put windstone in the subject (oops) but there is the word dragon, so maybe it’ll go through.


                        🙁 Aww that makes me so sad! My SO is 23 and that’s such a young age. Jennifer, please give my condolences to Jill. I hope she gets a lot for the brown OW and lap. I paid $500 for my brown OW, and that was back around 2007/2008. He certainly doesnt come up for sale much, and I know Jill could use the funds for….arrangements.


                        It’s a tragic thing, and so I don’t wanna bug her about the possibility of using paypal instead of money orders. But if anyone during their transactions with her discovers she’s willing to use paypal, I’d appreciate hearing about it because as much as I’m interested in some of these pieces, I just won’t send people I don’t know money orders.


                          Bless her heart . I hope she makes alot of money on them . Be kind to her , please .


                            A few updates that she emailed me with and a photo of the mystery dragon. It turns out it’s one of Purplecat’s PYOs.

                            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                            My art:


                              Aw! I remember selling that little fellow! He was a really nice one! It’s sad to hear his owner has passed away…I do recall painting him, he was an ebay sale.

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