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  • #553779

      emerald212 wrote:

      Sorry, I’ve been away from this post for a while. I didn’t mean to come across as accusatory. I was just pouting. It wasn’t even a real question, just a rhetorical one. I know some people like to bid early, but I guess I feel that it drives the price up higher than it would if people sniped. I had no idea they were going to go this high, so to see it that high already just sort of pops my bubble of ever owning one. (I’m just a poor college student that will be out of an income when I graduate in May – already too far in debt.) That’s why I was pouting.

      I’m just hoping that some of the next couple don’t go that high so I have some sort of shot at it anyway. But if they do, they do. It’s better for Windstones if they do.

      There will be 16 this time so hopefully they will get cheaper. I know several folks like this version. I hope we can all get one! ๐Ÿ˜†


        skigod377 wrote:

        emerald212 wrote:

        Sorry, I’ve been away from this post for a while. I didn’t mean to come across as accusatory. I was just pouting. It wasn’t even a real question, just a rhetorical one. I know some people like to bid early, but I guess I feel that it drives the price up higher than it would if people sniped. I had no idea they were going to go this high, so to see it that high already just sort of pops my bubble of ever owning one. (I’m just a poor college student that will be out of an income when I graduate in May – already too far in debt.) That’s why I was pouting.

        I’m just hoping that some of the next couple don’t go that high so I have some sort of shot at it anyway. But if they do, they do. It’s better for Windstones if they do.

        There will be 16 this time so hopefully they will get cheaper. I know several folks like this version. I hope we can all get one! ๐Ÿ˜†

        Fifteen… one is staying at Windstone. I hope we can all get one too. ๐Ÿ™‚


          Personally, I’m waiting for the dark ones, so those of you wanting these have one less competitor!! lol… Not that they aren’t gorgeous, but my taste just runs to the darker ones!


            I am out of the running on these, too, unless the prices drop drastically (which I doubt). I’ll just go for a tribute piece of my calico when the pyo flap cats arrive. Best of luck to those bidding…


              Well, so far, only two bidders were willing to go over 500.00.
              It will be interesting from here on to see how many bidders pop up.
              Then we can sort of calculate the average selling price of the last cats…In a perfect world…


              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

              It’s not neccessarily “cheaper” to snipe, but the idea behind it is: If you get your highest bid in at the last second where you are then winning, no one has the TIME to decide if they can spend more than you….That’s about it.



                Well, for those of you saying, “I can never afford one of those!” If there’s 16 of them, and the auction lasts 6 days…and Windsone usually takes another 2 days to get the next one up, that’s 128 days, or roughly 4 months. So those of us that really want one *RAISES HAND ENTHUSIASTICALLY* have plenty of time to save ๐Ÿ˜‰ Not to mention there’s more after this in the darker color!


                nessiemom wrote:

                Personally, I’m waiting for the dark ones, so those of you wanting these have one less competitor!! lol… Not that they aren’t gorgeous, but my taste just runs to the darker ones!

                Me too! I’m waiting for the dark ones too…though I’m still trying to justify having 3 of the same sculpt… ๐Ÿ˜†


                  Wondering why I couldn’t see the cat on Ebay, I just realized it doesn’t have “Windstone” in the title. I wonder if that will decrease its exposure and the amount of bids especially since it doesn’t have “Pena” either.


                  So that’s what it was…I was wondering why it didn’t come up when I searched for “Windstone”…

                  Forum members are probably the only ones who know about this listing right now. Windstone should probably modify the listing to add “Windstone” somewhere…


                    Oh! I was wondering. That probably wasn’t intentional, was it?


                    mimitrek wrote:

                    So that’s what it was…I was wondering why it didn’t come up when I searched for “Windstone”…

                    Forum members are probably the only ones who know about this listing right now. Windstone should probably modify the listing to add “Windstone” somewhere…
                    Oh, I see…the listing comes up if you search for “Windstone” using “Advanced Search”, and choose the option to search the text in both the title and the description.


                      And it comes up if you look at Windstone’s seller page, which is where I look for these things anyhow.


                      LMAO I am sorry but I find it funny that Windstone Editions didnt put windstone in the title ๐Ÿ˜† .


                        Thats too funny! I didnt even notice! Luckily I always search title and description. ๐Ÿ˜†

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