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  • #553764

      skigod377 wrote:

      Rusti wrote:

      emerald212 wrote:

      Don’t people know how to snipe?! *pouts* I’m never going to get one.

      Tell me about it. People drive me crazy when they drive the price so high its out of my reach within hours. It’s a good thing for Windstone, of course, but not for the rest of us.
      Whats the difference whether its out of your reach in hours or out of your reach within days? Either way… its out of your reach. Who cares when it happens? That bid is mine, and yes, I know how to snipe. Do I feel like doing it? No. And Rusti, Im sorry if it drives you crazy. Not my intention.

      I’d rather it go out of my range early, then I don’t have to worry about it. I hate all the stress at the last second! πŸ˜†


        wolflodge100 wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        Rusti wrote:

        emerald212 wrote:

        Don’t people know how to snipe?! *pouts* I’m never going to get one.

        Tell me about it. People drive me crazy when they drive the price so high its out of my reach within hours. It’s a good thing for Windstone, of course, but not for the rest of us.
        Whats the difference whether its out of your reach in hours or out of your reach within days? Either way… its out of your reach. Who cares when it happens? That bid is mine, and yes, I know how to snipe. Do I feel like doing it? No. And Rusti, Im sorry if it drives you crazy. Not my intention.

        I’d rather it go out of my range early, then I don’t have to worry about it. I hate all the stre
        ss at the last second! πŸ˜†

        Bladder blockages suck too. They’re a whole host of problems in and of themselves.

        I can’t quite remember the last time I got stressed on ebay, bidding on something, but I do remember silently freaking out over the prospect of going into debt with a new car (which hasn’t happened…yet.)


          Rusti wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          Rusti wrote:

          emerald212 wrote:

          Don’t people know how to snipe?! *pouts* I’m never going to get one.

          Tell me about it. People drive me crazy when they drive the price so high its out of my reach within hours. It’s a good thing for Windstone, of course, but not for the rest of us.
          Whats the difference whether its out of your reach in hours or out of your reach within days? Either way… its out of your reach. Who cares when it happens? That bid is mine, and yes, I know how to snipe. Do I feel like doing it? No. And Rusti, Im sorry if it drives you crazy. Not my intention.

          Why so defensive lately? I wasn’t calling anybody out, just expressing an opinion, and I’m pretty sure that’s what Emerald was doing too… I would never have known the bid was yours if you hadn’t opened your mouth. You could’ve just rubbed your hands together and snickered to yourself in private instead of getting irritated and crabby (which is what you’re coming across as, whether you intended it or not).

          There’s nothing wrong with us fussing just a little that we were out of the game so quickly, just like there’ll be nothing wrong with the winner getting excited about it.

          Ummmm.. that was an apology, not defensiveness, crabbiness, or irritability. I know some folks get annoyed by people who put in there bid early, just like others get annoyed by people who snipe. Like you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to mine. No reason to get nasty. My post was not meant to be mean. Only ask a legitimate question. You could have simply answered “Because I like being the high bidder for a while” or some other answer.


            skigod377 wrote:

            Rusti wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            Rusti wrote:

            emerald212 wrote:

            Don’t people know how to snipe?! *pouts* I’m never going to get one.

            Tell me about it. People drive me crazy when they drive the price so high its out of my reach within hours. It’s a good thing for Windstone, of course, but not for the rest of us.
            Whats the difference whether its out of your reach in hours or out of your reach within days? Either way… its out of your reach. Who cares when it happens? That bid is mine, and yes, I know how to snipe. Do I feel like doing it? No. And Rusti, Im sorry if it drives you crazy. Not my intention.

            Why so defensive lately? I wasn’t calling anybody out, just expressing an opinion, and I’m pretty sure that’s what Emerald was doing too… I would never have known the bid was yours if you hadn’t opened your mouth. You could’ve just rubbed your hands together and snickered to yourself in private instead of getting irritated and crabby (which is what you’re coming across as, whether you intended it or not).

            There’s nothing wrong with us fussing just a little that we were out of the game so quickly, just like there’ll be nothing wrong with the winner getting excited about it.

            Ummmm.. that was an apology, not defensiveness, crabbiness, or irritability. I know some folks get annoyed by people who put in there bid early, just like others get annoyed by people who snipe. Like you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to mine. No reason to get nasty. My post was not meant to be mean. Only ask a legitimate question. You could have simply answered “Because I like being the high bidder for a while” or some other answer.

            -.o You know, some days I really hate losing tone of voice and inflection to type. I wasn’t being nasty either, more like confused and wondering why you spoke up.


              Rusti wrote:

              -.o You know, some days I really hate losing tone of voice and inflection to type. I wasn’t being nasty either, more like confused and wondering why you spoke up.

              It was an honest apology πŸ™‚ I dont want to drive anyone crazy. Well.. none of you guys anyway.

              I spoke up because the comments were directed at the bidders at the time and one of them was me. Thats all. πŸ™‚ I dont want any hard feelings. I was just asking. I should have made it two paragraphes, too.. one part was asking you, and the other was answering Emerald. Together they may have been confusing. πŸ˜•
              Some of us have had this discussion on here before on whether or not it makes the peice higher if folks bid early. I dont think it does, but others do. I think snipers think they will get a peice cheaper if everyone waits till the end, but does it really affect what snipers will bid at the end? If I bid $500 now or $500 later, its still $500. I dont understand where the cheaper part comes in… snipers got any feedback?


                skigod377 wrote:

                Rusti wrote:

                -.o You know, some days I really hate losing tone of voice and inflection to type. I wasn’t being nasty either, more like confused and wondering why you spoke up.

                It was an honest apology πŸ™‚ I dont want to drive anyone crazy. Well.. none of you guys anyway.

                I spoke up because the comments were directed at the bidders at the time and one of them was me. Thats all. πŸ™‚ I dont want any hard feelings. I was just asking.
                Some of us have had this discussion on here before on whether or not it makes the peice higher if folks bid early. I dont think it does, but others do. I think snipers think they will get a peice cheaper if everyone waits till the end, but does it really affect what snipers will bid at the end? If I bid $500 now or $500 later, its still $500. I dont understand where the cheaper part comes in… snipers got any feedback?

                Ahh, OK. I guess you could compare it to losing out in a game of musical chairs the very first time the music stops. You can’t even say ‘well…I had a good run?’ πŸ˜›

                Windstones are very nice, but I can’t say I’d really have any hard feelings losing one to someone to got it first. They’re just things, after all. Very nice things that are pretty to look at, but I do have classwork I should get more upset about. πŸ˜‰


                  I tend to put in either the first bid or try for the last bid. I have the feeling I’m driving a price up when I try to outbid someone who’s already placed a bid – but that’s just a feeling and not necessarily true.


                    Maybe the snipers are hoping the other snipers will have eBay problems, computer glitches or other bad luck. πŸ˜† Then an item might go for a few dollars less.


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Rusti wrote:

                      -.o You know, some days I really hate losing tone of voice and inflection to type. I wasn’t being nasty either, more like confused and wondering why you spoke up.

                      It was an honest apology πŸ™‚ I dont want to drive anyone crazy. Well.. none of you guys anyway.

                      I spoke up because the comments were directed at the bidders at the time and one of them was me. Thats all. πŸ™‚ I dont want any hard feelings. I was just asking. I should have made it two paragraphes, too.. one part was asking you, and the other was answering Emerald. Together they may have been confusing. πŸ˜•
                      Some of us have had this discussion on here before on whether or not it makes the peice higher if folks bid early. I dont think it does, but others do. I think snipers think they will get a peice cheaper if everyone waits till the end, but does it really affect what snipers will bid at the end? If I bid $500 now or $500 later, its still $500. I dont understand where the cheaper part comes in… snipers got any feedback?

                      It’s not neccessarily “cheaper” to snipe, but the idea behind it is: If you get your highest bid in at the last second where you are then winning, no one has the TIME to decide if they can spend more than you….That’s about it.


                        πŸ˜† πŸ˜† I guess that would apply to popular pieces like LE OWs. But it probably doesn’t make that big of a difference on stuff like a green male or a candlelamp, I guess.


                          lamortefille wrote:

                          Maybe the snipers are hoping the other snipers will have eBay problems, computer glitches or other bad luck. πŸ˜† Then an item might go for a few dollars less.

                          Dang… that happened to me today with Nams wolf. I have never been a fan of sniping, though I have done it a few times for fun and to see if it works. Mostly, when I go to put in my max bid, it is not enough because others have sniped since I hit the place bid button. Today, the computer just froze. I was devastated and must say that it reaffirms my desire to place my max bid in when I first see the auction. I dont forget about it and miss out, and if my internet goes out, it does not matter. πŸ™‚


                            Rusti wrote:

                            Ahh, OK. I guess you could compare it to losing out in a game of musical chairs the very first time the music stops. You can’t even say ‘well…I had a good run?’ πŸ˜›

                            I can see that. πŸ˜† I lasted about 5 seconds on the SK and I had put in a $500 bid!! πŸ˜†


                              skigod377 wrote:

                              Mostly, when I go to put in my max bid, it is not enough because others have sniped since I hit the place bid button.

                              This is what happened to me on a few official Windstone auctions that were relatively low before auction ended and I was trying to snipe. I put in my measly bid to only see it doesn’t even count because 2+ other people are sniping with me and willing to pay way more. I think I’d rather know early on I have no chance (of course, anyone with mucho money to bid, it might be more worthwhile).


                                All of the above have happened to me. lol 99.9% of the time I am of the attitude, “it just wasn’t mean for me”. Years ago I was outbid on a salmon (colored) coral necklace with a carved oriental dragon clasp – that is the only piece I’m still mourning the loss of. πŸ˜₯ Maybe I’ll get over it someday. πŸ˜†


                                  Sorry, I’ve been away from this post for a while. I didn’t mean to come across as accusatory. I was just pouting. It wasn’t even a real question, just a rhetorical one. I know some people like to bid early, but I guess I feel that it drives the price up higher than it would if people sniped. I had no idea they were going to go this high, so to see it that high already just sort of pops my bubble of ever owning one. (I’m just a poor college student that will be out of an income when I graduate in May – already too far in debt.) That’s why I was pouting.

                                  I’m just hoping that some of the next couple don’t go that high so I have some sort of shot at it anyway. But if they do, they do. It’s better for Windstones if they do.

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