KiRin Trades w/Watergazer UPDATED

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone KiRin Trades w/Watergazer UPDATED

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      Watergazer wrote:

      I want to be doing the Ki-Rins over time…those on the list that haven’t told me their color choices and sculpts should let me know, because I’ll be working on those ones first down the line, tentatively. Just an update here!

      I don’t know what I want….and I’m not sure when I can paint anything…school projects…so you can just skip me…


      Well I know I want a dragon (don’t know which one yet), but I also want a Ki-rin like the brownie one.


        Say, Water – do you have a preference between these koi??

        EDIT: I’m doing the asagi (middle one) for the swap (no spoilors, she already knows) but I’ve got another to paint like it if you’d like.

        I’ve also got a copper one going, but I can’t find pictures of the kind of koi, which means I’m probably doing that one wrong…

        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


          Won’t be able to start it until about mid April, but I was looking at doing one of the last three horse colored ones (Vanner, Pinto/paint, or dappled grey/white).

          Eh, I’m being indecisive. I’ll try my hand at the dappled!


          Arlla, I love the tancho sanke koi…the black and white with red spotted head…it’s also the koi I will be making for my tattoo…but I do love all kois and your work…whatever you make i’ll adore.

          Also, Everyone else, I know I’ll love whatever you make for me and I’ll do my best to make one you’ll love.


            Watergazer wrote:

            I’ll do my best to make one you’ll love.

            As if there was any doubt!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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