
Kir-in for sale!

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      Oh hey I think I’ve posted enough here to be able to put a link up. *gives it the good ole college try*




      Unless an auction starts at some ridiculous sum, the Kirins always sell. 😉



        About seven minutes left on the Kir-in. Going for about 30 bucks less than the last time. 🙁 I wish the first buyer hadn’t flaked out on me, lol!


          Hey now, I am really disappointed. The first buyer backed out and the winning bid was $72.99.

          So why, when I have to relist it (and am out btw relisting fees, shipping and insurance fees from the first auction) why did this only sell for $41.00? That’s barely over half!

          I don’t get it. Can anybody explain? I am disappointed. 🙁


            That’s what happens sometimes when something sells for more than the other ones being auctioned at the same time. It happened to me with a Peacock Lap Dragon. People bid a lot and then realize that they could have gotten it cheaper if they had bid on another auction or just waited. So they don’t pay. $41 is about right for a Baby Ki-Rin.

            Did you file a unpaid item claim on the person who backed out? If you did, you’d get your fees back from the first time you listed it.


              Hmmm. Well I was willing to work with her, but if this was simply a case of buyer’s remorse, she needs to help out on the shipping and ebay fees. I was going to let it go but now that I know a little more about the market…

              Thanks for the advice!


                Emerald is right. That is the going rate for a baby Ki rin. Mint will go for closer to $50, but with a chip, $41 is pretty much spot on.


                $40 is what I paid for my baby ki-rin. They are really small so it might be that they decided it was too much to pay.

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