KIDZ >:(

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      Oh yeah. Go find the book “A child called it”.
      I was about 20 when I read that. It sure pulled my head out of my butt!
      That’s when I realized that no matter how bad my life was, there’s always someone out there thats had it worse and survived and had normal lives!


        Phoenix wrote:

        Oh yeah. Go find the book “A child called it”.
        I was about 20 when I read that. It sure pulled my head out of my butt!
        That’s when I realized that no matter how bad my life was, there’s always someone out there thats had it worse and survived and had normal lives!

        I’ve read that. there is always worse. 🙁


        Okay what y’all are saying makes since but I think you’re forgetting that I’m too sick to do anything. Until my thyroid disease and brain tumor get under control it’s impossible for me to be away from home for more than maybe an hour or two. And that’s if I can sit down somewhere.

        And anyways, I have NO IDEA what I would do for college. There really isn’t anything I enjoy doing, so no matter what course I took I’d most likely be miserable, and probably drop out.

        I know you don’t want to hear it, but I am STUCK with my parents forever. Period.


        PaperCut wrote:

        Okay what y’all are saying makes since but I think you’re forgetting that I’m too sick to do anything. Until my thyroid disease and brain tumor get under control it’s impossible for me to be away from home for more than maybe an hour or two. And that’s if I can sit down somewhere.

        And anyways, I have NO IDEA what I would do for college. There really isn’t anything I enjoy doing, so no matter what course I took I’d most likely be miserable, and probably drop out.

        I know you don’t want to hear it, but I am STUCK with my parents forever. Period.

        You’re stuck with your parents because you choose it, your medical issues and mental issues have help available, but you also choose not to take advantage of it. At age 21, you have the right to choose what medical care you want, so your mother’s opinions and input mean jack, your medical care is between you and your doctor, as for getting rides to the doctor, there are things called cabs and buses.

        You need to take responsibility for your life, and quit saying it is everyone/everything elses fault you aren’t actually living it. Why are you just sitting there, allowing others to abuse you? Why have you let phobias take over so you are incapable of being alone, yet unable to face crowds? What is really stopping you? And why are you letting it?

        Is it that it is so much easier and safer to sit there doing nothing? After all, if you don’t try, then you can’t fail, right? It’s so much easier to just say it is impossible, when you know that that little voice telling you so is a lying bastard. You know deep down that you can change things, but since change means facing your demons, you’d rather just hide, it’s safer and easier. But easier isn’t always better.

        You have the power to change your life, trying to sell us that you can’t won’t fly, but I will believe you if you say you “won’t” versus “can’t”. Too many of us have climbed out of the pit others have put us in and built the life we wanted from the ashes. So we know it can be done, it just requires work, dedication and effort. Things that apparently you aren’t willing to commit to. It isn’t that you can’t change your life, health and environment, it is that you won’t.

        Also, saying you can’t train your dogs, hogwash. You have the time, pick a dog, get some treats, a leash, a training book and set out to start training just one of them. Add in a new dog each week, and before you know it, you will have trained dogs that listen to you.

        I am not saying any of this to make you feel bad. I am trying to help you see that you are working against yourself when you convince yourself that your situation is unsolvable and cannot be changed. It’s untrue and you know it. I realize that some of your negativity is your mental conditions, and environment, but that is no excuse. If you really want a better life, you need to take steps, they can be little ones, but you still need to take them.

        Start first with rebuilding your physical health, take one of your dogs for a short walk, do it everyday, no matter how scared you are, no matter how hard it is, just go a block or so, make yourself keep going as far from the house as you can, then go back, each day make yourself go a bit farther. You won’t be alone, you will have your dog. Work up to going all the way around the block. Once you succeed with that, start expanding, or go around the block several times. Keep pushing past your comfort level until being out there is no longer a hard thing for you.

        Tackle all your phobias the same way, keep pushing at your limits until they are no longer there. You can do it, you have the stubborness, you just need the drive.

        Anyway, you are stronger than you think, and you can improve your life a great deal, but you have to make the effort, the longer you sit there saying “I can’t” the more it will become a reality. Being brave means facing your fears, stop letting them run your life.

        I personally consider “I can’t” to be a cop out, a way of trying to avoid responsibility. Well young lady, you are no longer a child, it is time to stop acting like one. I know I sound harsh, but the thing is I care, I want you to make the effort to improve your life and the only weapon I have is the words on this page to motivate you and hopefully sting you into action. It’s time to quit sitting on your butt, get up off it and get moving, life, love and friends are all waiting outside that door, you just have to open it!

        If you need to talk, PM me, but know this, I am a firm believer in “I can!” If you want to argue about what you think you “can’t” do, then it’ll be a waste of type. The thing is, you CAN do anything you want to do, the trick is, figuring out what you want to do. If you want to sit on your butt and whine and moan, go for it, but at that point, I will close my ears and stop listening. I’m a doer, if you choose not to do anything, then I can’t help much.

        But I would like to.

        *hugs* I hope to hear from you, and I hope this post doesn’t make you mad at me.



        Kyrin, you give GREAT advice, and Papercut, I really hope you choose to listen to what Kyrin has to say. I am sorry your Mom acts the way she does, but she isn’t stopping you from changing your life and making it better.


        Whoa, the way this thread has progressed is amazing! I can definitely tell there is a lot of caring going on here, I hope that’s not lost on anyone reading here ^_^


          KMD4me wrote:

          Kyrin, you give GREAT advice, and Papercut, I really hope you choose to listen to what Kyrin has to say.

          I do too. And I agree. You say “cant cant cant” but I hear “wont wont wont.” Perhaps some things will be very hard, but you can try. All these people you “hate” obviously care and would like to help. Unfortunatly, we are limited to advice. You may not be able to do everything, but you can do something. You are probably being negative so that if you fail, you can say “I told you so.” Everyone is in charge of their own life, and if you are well enough to go to wall mart, or sit at a computer and type coherently, you are well enough to make more of your life than you have thus far.


            you can do it papercut, life can be more than the miserable hole you’ve seen. go for it, there are alot of us here who would love to reach out and help you, but you have to take the first steps to break your walls down.


              Very well said, Kyrin.

              PaperCut, we are not ganging up on you…everyone deserves to be happy, but it doesn’t just “happen”, you have to work for it.

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