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      How old are you?


      Sorry, edited last post. I’ll be 21 in March.


        Perhaps moving, entirely, and getting a fresh start in a new environment would help you. You’re young, and have lots of possibilities. I hate to be negative, but your mother sounds like she’s part of the problem to me. 😕 It would be better to be alone than to be with someone with that attitude.


          Get as far away from your mother as you can. She’s poisoning you.
          If you can’t afford it, get a job, start saving to get away. Get yourself a plan to get out and do it.
          The world is not a dark place…It can actually be joyful.
          I know, if someone had told me that when I was 16, I would have shot milk out my nose. I was pretty hopeless.
          When someone has been abused, it’s hard for that person to see change in a good light. It’s not easy to imagine a change can put you in a better place. For some reason it’s easier to live with what you have than to imagine stepping out and changing.
          I’m not very eloquent, but I hope you understand what I’m saying.


            Honey, I hope you realize your Mom has some serious issues. Nobody should tell another person to “go sit in a corner and die”. 😡 I wish I had some miracle cure for your situation, but sadly, I don’t.

            Maybe you can talk to one of your Doctors in private and explain the situation. Maybe they could refer you to some online help or help you find a counselor that can “talk” to you online?


            She is most of the problem, but like I said in the other thread, no way in hell am I living alone.


            And getting an apartment is totally out of the question. 1, we just bought this house while keeping our old house to rent last August and therefor can’t afford it, and 2, just no freakin’ way am I EVER living alone. I would end up in either the hospital, the nut house, or the morgue by the end of the week. I can NOT live alone because I have such a severe panic disorder. I’ll be stuck with my parents til they die and then I’ll probably end up back in Connecticut with my brother. And he hates me more than my mother does so he would most likely disown me and kick me out on the street.


              What part of living with your parents is a help to your condition? I understand the deathly echo of aloneness…I had some issues for a long time and attempted suicide several times as a teen…being alone was hard, but not as hard as being at home. Perhaps instead of an apartment, apply to a few colleges that cater to financial needy students (that’s how I got in)….in general, i couldnt stand my other dorm members, but they were better than my family. Plus, it was free.


                Oh, forgot to mention…my grades weren’t that great either, so dont worry about being a star student. 8)


                My father’s not a problem, just my mother. Why should I have to leave when it’s her fault? She should go back to CT with my brother. Even my father can’t stand her most of the time.

                College… eh, I don’t think so. For one thing I’m not smart or patient enough and would either fail or get kicked out because of my anger issues, but.. I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I was homeschooled all through high school because I couldn’t handle being near the other kids all day. not to mention whenever I got beat up in school the teacher said I deserved it. I think they hated me because the knew my father was a cop and he’d arrested most of them (kids AND teachers) at least once.

                But yeah, college is unfortunately as out of the question as getting an apartment. I mean it when I say there’s nothing that can be done to help me…


                  I dont know…I still think a fresh start would help, plus you could pick your own major, in subjects you could enjoy. I suggest taking up swordplay, they helped me with my anger issues, plus it’s really cool to go hack at someone with a sword now and then. You dont have to go to college to be a doctor, be an art major or something you just enjoy. Do it for the experience, not the job. No one would know you, you could start over away from your family. As for your mother, it’s her house…and your father has chosen to stay with her, so that’s his problem, not yours. 🙂


                    If you decided to come to college up here, I’d offer to be a dueling partner for you. 😈 We could hack at each other!


                      “The hell you know is better than the hell you don’t”?

                      I used to think that. If only someone would have told me B.S. I wouldn’t have blown my whole teenage life on self pity and suicidal tendancies.

                      Roommates can help if you don’t like living alone. There are free or low cost clinics for help. Medications for panic disorder is not a crutch. Especially if it helps you get out on your own!

                      At some point you either have to deal with the issues and take steps to make it better, or quit complaining. You are old enough and smart enough to get through this. After you do, you will feel as if you own yourself! And what a great feeling that is!

                      Like I said. I’ve been there, done that. I heard a lot of what I’m telling you way back when. If only I had listened…


                        Phoenix wrote:

                        “The hell you know is better than the hell you don’t”?


                        This is the tortured person’s worst fear. from experience.


                          I know it feels true, but it’s poppycock.
                          Like I said, it’s easy to imagine life getting worse with change. Typically it gets better thogh.

                          Why leave when it’s her fault? So you can have a better life!
                          The only help for you is yourself. Sure, it’s hard. So what. What have you got to lose? Self pity? Misery? Nothing is ever going to be handed to you. Only you can make the decision to do something for yourself.


                            purplecat wrote:

                            If you decided to come to college up here, I’d offer to be a dueling partner for you. 😈 We could hack at each other!

                            Hahah! A group of us at my college did swordfighting ‘stick fighting’. We’d use either bokken, shinai, or just sticks evened out (sometimes we’d make hilts out of metal). We kind of policed ourselves. We always seemed to be out practicing when there was an open house on campus. I wonder why? 😆 I also took up knife throwing in college. Lots of fun! Found out I’m ambidextrous with weapons 8) Having a punching bag can be great stress relief too.

                            You don’t need to go full time to college or be a rocket scientist (I’ve met some that make rocks look smart, but yet they do ok in college… go figure), and in a lot of respects, college is VERY different from high school. Yeah, there will always be a few annoying individuals, but it’s much easier to avoid and go your own way too than in high school. Some colleges will help you create your own major (ISP) or work with how you learn. Showing interest in and asking questions is free and doesn’t hurt 🙂 I would say try looking at a smaller college. The individualized attention is better and you aren’t so much of a number. My college only had around 1400 when I was there. Small enough to know (or recognize) most everyone, but small enough to still get lost or hide within your department/group if you wanted to. You don’t have to live alone either unless you want to (it’s generally harder to get a single room anyways, unless you are a senior, and even then…).

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