KIDZ >:(

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      Ick I have horrible kids in my neighborhood too. The one kid that used to live next door was into gangs and would always act up, cursing outside in the middle of the night and doing drugs. I called the cops on him all the time but nothing was ever done. I talked to his parents about him too and they didn’t care. He eventually grew up and realized what and idiot he had been. He turned his life around and now is a really nice person to talk to. He even told us he was sorry for giving us such a hard time and what a jerk he was. Now we have some new people who moved in on the other side of us. Its just a single mom with I think 3 kids (I can’t tell because kids are always coming and going). She works all the time and is never home. As soon as she leaves her oldest son turns his radio up all the way to where I can hear it thru my walls. I go over and bang on his door and tell him to turn it down. I’ve talked to his mom about it and she always says she is sorry but as soon as she leaves he does it again. Her youngest son gets locked out of the house when she leaves so he runs the block doing whatever he wants. They are always messing around the cars and in my front yard and I’ve yelled at him all the time. I had to take his ball away from him one time because he kept hitting my car with it after I told him to go play in the field thats right infront of our houses. Its like thier parents don’t care about them. I’m all for spanking when its needed and its a shame society makes it so hard for parents to be parents.


        I am so glad you got pictures! That rocks!! And at least these parents seemed willing to dicipline the kids. Some wouldnt.

        I take my kid to the bathroom when I want to spank him in public.

        Not all kids are bad, so saying “I hate kids” is pretty judgemental. And your dad curses at them? That doesnt really help. Dogs can be brought up to ignore people. They can also be supervised when outside just like kids. 😕 Not trying to be mean, but I was a bit offended on my sons (And others on this forums) behalf.


          purpledoggy wrote:

          I’m all for spanking when its needed and its a shame society makes it so hard for parents to be parents.

          Serenity wrote:

          Its so messed up now in days that parents are not allowed to be parents because IF you leave ANY mark on your kids body (from a burised butt to a red mark it is considered child abuse) Sooooo parents RIGHTS have been takin away.

          I’m hoping I’m misunderstanding both of you because otherwise I’d be pretty offended; someone can be a “parent” and act like a “parent” even though they choose not to discipline their kids through spanking. I have “parents” and neither of them has ever spanked me or my four brothers and sisters while I was growing up. It didn’t result in us being little terrors or juvenile delinquents. Spanking a child isn’t the only method for punishing or teaching your children courtesy, right from wrong, etc. Just the method both you choose to use. It doesn’t make my mother or father any less of a “parent” because they did it differently.


            The type of punishment that works depends on the child to some extent. When my son was little, taking a favorite toy away or time out worked better than physical punishment most of the time, but there were times when spanking was the only option. When he got older, making him write “I will not blah blah blah” a bunch of times was very effective. He hated stitting still that long. Now cutting off his access to Xbox Live is my best weapon. 😈


              Yeah, some kids dont really need spanking. I didnt. It workes with Justin, though I rarely felt I had to resort to it.


                skigod377 wrote:

                I am so glad you got pictures! That rocks!! And at least these parents seemed willing to dicipline the kids. Some wouldnt.

                I take my kid to the bathroom when I want to spank him in public.

                Not all kids are bad, so saying “I hate kids” is pretty judgemental. And your dad curses at them? That doesnt really help. Dogs can be brought up to ignore people. They can also be supervised when outside just like kids. 😕 Not trying to be mean, but I was a bit offended on my sons (And others on this forums) behalf.

                Thanks ski…I was trying to find a nice way to say something, I’ve got three kids. I did work in a daycare once for a short time, and to be honest I didn’t really like very many of them there. I like kids on a person by person basis. Some kids are disrespectful and mean, some are kind and loving. When I see really disrespectful kids, I have more anger at the parents for not teaching their kids good values such as respect and consideration. I dont blame the kid for the neglect of the parent. 😕


                  Lokie wrote:

                  purpledoggy wrote:

                  I’m all for spanking when its needed and its a shame society makes it so hard for parents to be parents.

                  Serenity wrote:

                  Its so messed up now in days that parents are not allowed to be parents because IF you leave ANY mark on your kids body (from a burised butt to a red mark it is considered child abuse) Sooooo parents RIGHTS have been takin away.

                  I’m hoping I’m misunderstanding both of you because otherwise I’d be pretty offended; someone can be a “parent” and act like a “parent” even though they choose not to discipline their kids through spanking. I have “parents” and neither of them has ever spanked me or my four brothers and sisters while I was growing up. It didn’t result in us being little terrors or juvenile delinquents. Spanking a child isn’t the only method for punishing or teaching your children courtesy, right from wrong, etc. Just the method both you choose to use. It doesn’t make my mother or father any less of a “parent” because they did it differently.

                  See bold letters in my quote. Not every child needs to be spanked, some work with just time outs, etc. There are some children that they just don’t work for and I think if the parents believe in spanking it is their right to do it so long as it isn’t taken to far.


                  Wow! I am really glad you took pictures! Hopefully, after this incident, the kids will realize that it is no joking matter, and they will stop.


                    It’s a good thing the parents were mad at their son and didn’t just say my child wouldn’t do that.


                      darjeb wrote:

                      It’s a good thing the parents were mad at their son and didn’t just say my child wouldn’t do that.

                      I agree and I think parents are too often uncooperative:-/ If I am called by the school, I always tell them to give them detention or whatever they think is best. It’s usually met with stunned silence. lol

                      I’ve swatted my kids a few times, but now that they are older, I take privileges away from them. If they don’t do the things they’re supposed to do, they don’t get to do the fun things. Right now, they can’t even watch tv unless one of us unlocks it for them.


                        Lokie wrote:

                        purpledoggy wrote:

                        I’m all for spanking when its needed and its a shame society makes it so hard for parents to be parents.

                        Serenity wrote:

                        Its so messed up now in days that parents are not allowed to be parents because IF you leave ANY mark on your kids body (from a burised butt to a red mark it is considered child abuse) Sooooo parents RIGHTS have been takin away.

                        I’m hoping I’m misunderstanding both of you because otherwise I’d be pretty offended; someone can be a “parent” and act like a “parent” even though they choose not to discipline their kids through spanking. I have “parents” and neither of them has ever spanked me or my four brothers and sisters while I was growing up. It didn’t result in us being little terrors or juvenile delinquents. Spanking a child isn’t the only method for punishing or teaching your children courtesy, right from wrong, etc. Just the method both you choose to use. It doesn’t make my mother or father any less of a “parent” because they did it differently.

                        Yes your parents did it right, spanking isn’t the only way. I know people that don’t spank and they are good parents. There is a LOT more to it, I just didn’t feel like going on and on about it since it was late here. Sorry about that.


                        skigod377 wrote:

                        Not all kids are bad, so saying “I hate kids” is pretty judgemental. And your dad curses at them? That doesnt really help. Dogs can be brought up to ignore people. They can also be supervised when outside just like kids. 😕 Not trying to be mean, but I was a bit offended on my sons (And others on this forums) behalf.

                        Well, (and I mean this) EVERY single kid in the neighbohood/town is a horrible monster, their parents don’t care what they do at all. They just run around doing whatever they want, breaking things… I’m afraid they’re going to try to poison my dogs one of these days. And (I’m not trying to sound racist here, forgive me) they’re all Mexican, and most of the time they have older brothers/sisters that are in gangs.

                        About my dogs, they’ve been outside their whole lives, they’re not allowed in the house because of the cats and the fact that they like to destroy things and are so hyper. They’re completely untrainable, they don’t listen to a word anyone says. So teaching them to ignore people is pretty much out of the question. My mother like every days she says she hopes someone shoots them cause she gets so mad having to listen to them bark constantly.

                        Anyway sorry to offend you, but I really do hate all kids. Not just kids though, I pretty much loathe humans in general. I guess it comes from the way I was treated in school. I was literally almost killed several times in middle school by this one girl who had some serious issues. She kept trying to push me off the bridge, threw rocks at me, tried to shove pencils in my ears, etc… we called the cops on her once when my brothers wife saw her harassing me, but they didn’t do anything.

                        Once when I was.. two or three, can’t remember… I did something, dunno what, but I remember getting whipped with a belt. Only happened once though (that I remember). My family all have nasty uncontrollable tempers I guess. Plus we’re all really REALLY racist. I don’t try to be, but it just happens. 🙄 One time in sixth grade my teacher locked me in the closet for half an hour just because I was in a bad mood about being beat up on the bus.

                        But… yeah. I just have a nasty violent attitude toward pretty much everything in life. Of course it doesn’t help that my mother tells me to die all the time. x.x;

                        I had a horrible experience in Walmart yesterday, people pissed me off SO bad that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go there again. Argh.

                        I’m probably going to get flamed for these rants, but.. look I’m sorry okay? This is just the way I am. I don’t LIKE it, I don’t WANT to be so hateful, but I can’t help it. The way my life is you’re lucky I’m not either in the nut house, or jail (yet, I’ll probably end up in one of the other soon enough…). 😥


                          To some extent, we are all the products of our environment and upbringing, but there is always the possibility of change.

                          I hope you are able to get some help with your medical issues as well as counseling, Papercut. All the negativity around you and inside you isn’t healthy. Lots of people are just plain awful, but there are just as many good people (including kids) out there.

                          Sending lots of good thoughts your way…: -)


                            PaperCut wrote:

                            skigod377 wrote:

                            Not all kids are bad, so saying “I hate kids” is pretty judgemental. And your dad curses at them? That doesnt really help. Dogs can be brought up to ignore people. They can also be supervised when outside just like kids. 😕 Not trying to be mean, but I was a bit offended on my sons (And others on this forums) behalf.

                            Well, (and I mean this) EVERY single kid in the neighbohood/town is a horrible monster, their parents don’t care what they do at all. They just run around doing whatever they want, breaking things… I’m afraid they’re going to try to poison my dogs one of these days. And (I’m not trying to sound racist here, forgive me) they’re all Mexican, and most of the time they have older brothers/sisters that are in gangs.

                            About my dogs, they’ve been outside their whole lives, they’re not allowed in the house because of the cats and the fact that they like to destroy things and are so hyper. They’re completely untrainable, they don’t listen to a word anyone says. So teaching them to ignore people is pretty much out of the question. My mother like every days she says she hopes someone shoots them cause she gets so mad having to listen to them bark constantly.

                            Anyway sorry to offend you, but I really do hate all kids. Not just kids though, I pretty much loathe humans in general. I guess it comes from the way I was treated in school. I was literally almost killed several times in middle school by this one girl who had some serious issues. She kept trying to push me off the bridge, threw rocks at me, tried to shove pencils in my ears, etc… we called the cops on her once when my brothers wife saw her harassing me, but they didn’t do anything.

                            Once when I was.. two or three, can’t remember… I did something, dunno what, but I remember getting whipped with a belt. Only happened once though (that I remember). My family all have nasty uncontrollable tempers I guess. Plus we’re all really REALLY racist. I don’t try to be, but it just happens. 🙄 One time in sixth grade my teacher locked me in the closet for half an hour just because I was in a bad mood about being beat up on the bus.

                            But… yeah. I just have a nasty violent attitude toward pretty much everything in life. Of course it doesn’t help that my mother tells me to die all the time. x.x;

                            I had a horrible experience in Walmart yesterday, people pissed me off SO bad that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go there again. Argh.

                            I’m probably going to get flamed for these rants, but.. look I’m sorry okay? This is just the way I am. I don’t LIKE it, I don’t WANT to be so hateful, but I can’t help it. The way my life is you’re lucky I’m not either in the nut house, or jail (yet, I’ll probably end up in one of the other soon enough…). 😥

                            My advice…
                            Get rid of the dogs, get rid of the family, and Walmart pisses everybody off.
                            Take control of your life and live the way you want to.
                            I’m curious on how old you are…
                            I would seriously think about talking with someone about your outlook on life. It can’t be fun to live feeling like you do.
                            I’m not trying to be a snot, I’m really not. I’ve been there, done that. I’ve lived through a lot and got through with minimal scarring. If it hadn’t been for a few key people in my life that I could really talk with, I would have been toast and wouldn’t have been able to experience life like I know now.
                            PM if you would like.


                            Well I would like to get some counseling because I definitely DON’T like the way I am/feel, but not only can we not afford it, but my mother is totally against it. I still can’t believe she told me today to “go sit in a corner and die”. 😥 She hates kids about as much as I do.

                            Phoenix- but I like my dogs. ;-; And unfortunately I’m stuck with my parents. I’ll be 21 in March but with my health and anxiety issues I canNOT be alone. Ever. I rarely leave the house. Why I went to Walmart yesterday I really have no idea because I was sick and close to throwing up from nerves the entire time. I have no friends that live around here to talk to or hang out with. The only people I know here are the guys that did my tattoos. ^^; So yeah, I’m hust pretty much screwed any way you look at it. I can’t work or drive with my health problems (pituitary tumor, thyroid disease, anxiety, constant nausea, to name just a few) so I can’t get out and meet people to make friends. my entire life revolves around the computer sadly, and there’s nothing I can do about it. 😥

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