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- This topic has 53 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 1 month ago by lamortefille.
January 21, 2008 at 1:33 am #658236
Well I called the Police on the nieghbors kids across the alley today since they were throwing rocks at our house…
A few hit the screen door and a lot hit the roof. I was just waiting for one to hit and break a window. Thank goodness for them it didn’t happen.
Once the Poilce got here they went out into our back yard to talk to the boys and they bolted! So the Police went around to the front door of their house and talked to the parents, the kids DENIED EVERYTHING…
But I took pictures. Catching all 3 throwing rocks at our house. 🙂
OH the parents where VERY TICKED OFF at their son and his little friends. We showed the pictures to the Police and to the parents.
January 21, 2008 at 1:33 am #494015January 21, 2008 at 1:53 am #658237Good for you having proof that the kids were doing it. I’m curious though, did you try asking the kids to stop throwing the rocks before you called the police?
January 21, 2008 at 2:36 am #658238We asked him to stop when he was throwing trash in our back yard and told him then that if he did it again that we would call the Police. This is NOT a first time. This has been going on since we moved in a YEAR ago.
January 21, 2008 at 2:43 am #658239Eww no fun at all. Some kids just don’t know how to respect other people’s property.
January 21, 2008 at 2:48 am #658240Yeah… this little boy has thrown trash, rotten fruit, and all sorts of things in our and our nieghbor’s back yard. We had a puppy at the time and I was worried that she would end up eating something bad. We have asked him to please stop and warned him that the next time the Police would be involved. He is only in the 4th grade. This time it was him and his little friends throwing rocks. We have two windows plus a screen door with glass that face the alley. That would be damageing someones property if anything were to get broken.
We haven’t done anything to this boy to provoke him to do these things, he just does it.
January 21, 2008 at 2:49 am #658241Parents dont teach their kids respect like they used too. 🙁
January 21, 2008 at 2:51 am #658242hmm…yeah sounds about right…we’ve had to call the police on our neighbor…at least 20 times…
doesn’t do any good it seems….
January 21, 2008 at 2:58 am #658243I have told my girls that if I ever catch them doing anything like that…. Oh man! You WILL respect others even if they do not respect you. You will NOT sink to their level and be stupid!!!
January 21, 2008 at 3:20 am #658244Sheesh, this is exactly why I want a hysterectomy. x.x At our old house there was a trailer park behind us, and these stupid kids would crowd into the empty lot EVERY DAY and throw rocks at our dogs, poke sticks through the fence at them, throw soda cans/tennis balls/etc into our yard. My dad went out there several times and told them to f*** off but they kept coming back. They would even climb over the wall into the other neighbors yards. Then one day last year some guy tried to break our door down with a crowbar, but my mom scared him off. We’re pretty sure he was related to those kids since we saw his car down in that area all the time. We called the cops but they didn’t do anything… then the next morning half of our windchimes/things we had hanging on the front porch were gone. D: We moved since then, but the kids in this neighborhood are just as bad. They run up and down the road and whistle at our dogs, get them all freaked out. The neighbors think they’re mean, but they’re just scared. I hate kids SO much. 👿
January 21, 2008 at 3:36 am #658245I’m curious what the parents did to the kid when they were presented with proof.
Thank goodness, my son has a good heart and is a good soul…Of course, we hold him accountable for his actions.
I’m not saying he doesn’t do stupid stuff, but he does have to make ammends for anything he breaks or ruins.It seems like the parents need to watch their kids better if they run around doing stuff like this.
I see it with my son’s friends a lot. No supervision. Kids basically raise themselves and the parents don’t dicipline. I just don’t get it. When did it become okay? I think a lot of it is also that parents are lazy and don’t follow through. Parenting is hard work. If you’re not up to it, don’t do it!
January 21, 2008 at 4:19 am #658246PHoenix, some of what you are saying is true, but the other part is that society as a whole now polices how you discipline your child. The reason why you see parents pleading with their kids and bribing them in public is because if you spank them or otherwise discipline them in any way, all the people around you jump all over you and call the police saying you are abusing your kid.
When Alex was 4 he refused to get into the car and into his car seat, so I picked him up bodily, placed him into the seat and buckled him in, all the while he was screaming bloody murder. A lady a few cars over yelled at me that patience would go a long way. I told her, minding her own business would also go just as far. I wasn’t hurting Alex at all, but the noise he was making made it look and sound like I was.
I have no qualms about making him sit down on a time out in the middle of a grocery store aisle, he hates it, its embarassing and he is usually good for the rest of the shopping excursion after that. I have also swatted him in the butt a couple swats and then made him stand next to me and not move an inch until I was done. It works wonders, but I worry that someone will accuse me of abuse when he puts me into the position of having to assert my authority in public. Verbal warnings in public get me nowhere, he is aware that I am limited in what I can do, so he always pushes it.
He’s a good kid, just rambunctious as heck, he is ADHD, and while it does not excuse him at all, it does make keeping him in line a real challenge, its really hard for him to stay calm and collected and not bounce off the ceilings.
He tries though. But with people getting involved when you try to parent your child, it makes being an effective parent difficult.
So it isn’t always the parents fault…total strangers, the same ones complaining about the children’s bad behavior are contributing to the problem too.
January 21, 2008 at 5:08 am #658247Its so messed up now in days that parents are not allowed to be parents because IF you leave ANY mark on your kids body (from a burised butt to a red mark it is considered child abuse) Sooooo parents RIGHTS have been takin away. Its stupid!
But I spank my kids… I ground them, I try not to let my kids RULE the house. That isn’t their place.To answer your question Phoenix, the parents yelled at him… I wasn’t there so I don’t know what all was said BUT he did get his butt chewed, especially after my husband said ” Didn’t we tell you the first time that if you didn’t stop it we would call the Police?” That kid was warned by us and asked to stop throwing things in our back yard. This time around he and his little friends could have caused damage to OUR PROPERTY by breaking a window. We as people too do not have to sit here and let it happen.
January 21, 2008 at 5:29 am #658248I understand about people getting in your face when you are reprimanding kids. They do need to step back and keep their mouths shut.
If this had been my son, he would be over at your house mowing the lawn or washing your windows to your satisfaction!
Fortunately, neither of my kids have ever tantrumed in a store. I like to believe they know better.
I was lucky in that I got to watch my sister with her daughter long before I had my kids and I saw what not to do!
My kids know that no means no. Not “If I whine a little more, I’ll get my way” or “If I scream I’ll get something to make me be quiet”.
I’ve only had to spank my son twice in his nine years and I’ve never spanked my daughter. Not saying I don’t believe in spanking, cause a good swat goes a long way in the right situation!It’s just more along the lines of knowing what bothered me before I had kids and making sure my kids would not ruin someone’s dinner or movie night.
If we didn’t think the kids could sit during a nice dinner, they didn’t go until we felt they could go without disturbing the people around us.
I hate hate hate seeing kids run around in a restaraunt! So we didn’t go to dinner for a long time after the kids were born!Serenity, I would consider putting cameras up around my house. Cause you know if something gets damaged around your house, the parents won’t admit their kid may have done it!
January 21, 2008 at 5:51 am #658249Oh trust me… I’ll try and do something! We have no school tomorrow and I am not going anywhere so I can watch the house. We’ll be moving probably next year since our family is increaseing by one and this is only a 2 bedroom house. 🙂
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