Hi! I am happy to email pictures of the Poads(tm) that you have selected as Kickstarter rewards from the “grab bag” selection. Please email me at susie@windstoneeditions.com or service@windstoneeditions.com and I can email you a picture of what we’ve set aside for you so that you can take inventory of your Poads(tm). The mini Podge Poad and other reward items won’t be shown, just the “grab bag” poads if you made a selection yourself.
If you have chosen a Grab Bag Poad(tm) reward and did not make any selection yourself, I can email you a photo of what we have left at this time (however Melody will be painting more Matched Sets, Special Adults, Special Babies, and Mini-Poads – so that selection will increase later on).
At this moment in time, we don’t know what tier your pledge is for or what you added on. We’ll learn that after you fill out the Survey Form which Melody is creating and will be emailed to you.
Payments are processed by Kickstarter, not by Windstone, and any issues with your pledge payment must be addressed through your Kickstarter account (if there was a problem you should have an email from Kickstarter to that effect). We haven’t received the funds from Kickstarter yet – that takes a few weeks. We have not yet decided if rewards will be shipped out before the books – the original plan was to send all at once and we anticipate having the books in hand in July. We are still working on a way for you to add more rewards to your pledge and to pay us for them.
Melody has a blog spot on our website for Kickstarter updates – its in the Reptangle tab.
Remember – to contact me Email works way better than PM’s (I see an email way before I realize that have a PM and figure out how to find it!).