Ki-Rins on ebay…BINs

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    They’re gone. Unicornita got them. Congratulations!


    Wow, that was fast..congrats. Are they normally that much?


    I’m no kirin expert, but I consider those pretty regular prices. I think the males don’t go for less than $150.


    And one advantage is that she doesn’t have to wait until the auction ends.


    Yep. The funny thing is, both male and female popped up on my Windstone search this morning, but when I clicked on them, one after another, it said the auction had ended. Even after a refresh they were still on the list.


    Hmmm, weird.


      Thats a bit high for a female, but cheap for the male. Good nab, unicornita!


      There is a baby on the UK ebay for £12.40 at the mo what is a good price for her?
      I’m not sure if i like her, i just keep telling myself i can only collect Dragons and Griffins. But the more i look the more she is calling to me lol.


      I cant tell you what they average, but that is about 30 bucks, I think that is a good price on one, for some reason I think they avrage about 40, but I could be way off, I swear the more people join this forum, the higher the prices go, LOL.


        Average last time LIH checked was $50. 🙂


          One of the spur of the moment buys for a friend of mine:

          me: male and female kirins for $150 and $175
          her: tempting
          me: male comes with its box and there’s no extra charge for s/h and insurance
          her: …yes…

          I’m evil. I obtained $550 worth of windstones for her last week. 😈


          unicornita wrote:

          I’m evil. I obtained $550 worth of windstones for her last week. 😈

          enabler!!! 😆

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