OK, now for some snakey photos… as promised. 😀
This is Tezca, my little mexican rosy boa. She’s about 2 feet long. Luvs her!
Evil, my amazon tree boa and Katrina rescue. This is pretty much all he does, sits on his sticks in a little ball. 😈 I’m guessing he’s about 3-4 feet long now. It’s hard to tell when he’s all balled up. I should probably measure him, but that will require the use of thick gardening gloves and a willing helper. He has very long teeth for his size and lives up to his name quite well! LOL.
Esmarelda (aka Ezzie), my red-tail. This is an older photo, she’s much bigger now. She was in her humidity box today, so I couldn’t get a good pic of her.
-BD 8)