Keeper/Lap dragon eye size?

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      bayoudragon wrote:

      I think it may be the griffins with the eye size/socket difference. I put the eyes in just to see how they would look, and now I can’t get them out. I guess this means I don’t have to glue them in. 😆

      And I wasn’t about to try and force them out either… not after what happened with my phoenix! 🙄

      I got lucky. It came off in one complete piece and was able to glue it back on perfectly. Thank goodness, too… I think I would have had a complete meltdown. I was trying eyes from another supplier, so I will add my word of caution along with the others.

      Maybe this is a good time to ask about selling eyes in the store so we don’t look elsewhere?? 😳 *hides*

      Bayou, for your griffin try turning it upside down, and rotating it every which way while shaking it gently. Don’t try and pry… that causes breaks. The trick I’ve found is to let gravity work it out. If it does not come out this way, it might not ever!

      I’ve taken to holding the eyes up to the piece with a modified pair of tweezers/needle nose pliers so that I can get an idea of what they would look like ‘in’ without having to actually put them in. Breaking the faces off of Windstones is just too disheartening to mess with it!

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        Jennifer wrote:

        Bayou, for your griffin try turning it upside down, and rotating it every which way while shaking it gently. Don’t try and pry… that causes breaks. The trick I’ve found is to let gravity work it out. If it does not come out this way, it might not ever!

        I’ve taken to holding the eyes up to the piece with a modified pair of tweezers/needle nose pliers so that I can get an idea of what they would look like ‘in’ without having to actually put them in. Breaking the faces off of Windstones is just too disheartening to mess with it!
        Yep, I had tried that. I even tried wiggling the eyes with my fingers at the same time. It must have been a sight because the hubby asked me if my piggy bank was finally empty. 😆

        I love the tweezer idea! I think I will seriously consider getting a pair of jeweler’s tweezers or something. Thanks! 🙂


          Pam Thompson wrote:

          Lap dragons take 11mm. Our 10mm eyes are far to small for her. I am 99% sure that PYO keepers also take 11mm. I know they don’t take 10, because the keeper takes colors that we don’t have in 10.

          Really? You’d be the one to know, but I just tried and 11mm in a keeper and it was way too big! It wouldn’t even go into the socket, but that could also be because the casting was weird or the eye was weird… happens. I will go check this again. I hope we aren’t shipping these things with eyes that won’t fit!


            Jennifer wrote:

            Melody wrote:

            If an eye fits tightly it’ll be nearly impossible to remove it again though, so be sure that is the eye you want before you try it!

            Also, the Windstone eyes made at the factory are not all super uniform. They are hand painted and can vary in size and thickness by nearly a millimeter at times. So use care. That was one reason we didn’t want to supply the eyes separate from the pyos, we needed to be sure they fit. Our eyes vary in size A LOT. Not in width so much, but in “fatness” which will affect the way they fit under the eyelid.


              FlamingDragon wrote:

              I measured the eyes for my keeper and they’re 11mm. I tried to measure the eyes for my lap(which is tough because their glued in) and as far as I can tell they’re 11mm as well.

              Did those eyes fit ok??


                bayoudragon wrote:

                I think it may be the griffins with the eye size/socket difference. I put the eyes in just to see how they would look, and now I can’t get them out. I guess this means I don’t have to glue them in. 😆

                And I wasn’t about to try and force them out either… not after what happened with my phoenix! 🙄

                I got lucky. It came off in one complete piece and was able to glue it back on perfectly. Thank goodness, too… I think I would have had a complete meltdown. I was trying eyes from another supplier, so I will add my word of caution along with the others.

                Maybe this is a good time to ask about selling eyes in the store so we don’t look elsewhere?? 😳 *hides* That eye looks like it fits perfectly! I am surprised it was tight.


                  drag0nfeathers wrote:

                  It’s funny how 99% of Americans all shriek in the face of metric 😆 I still do any way.

                  LOL Like on that show “How I Met Your Mother” one of the characters is Canadian-
                  “Mt.Waddington is the tallest mountain in Canada!” -Robin
                  *everyone gives her a confused look*
                  “….its like 11,000 meters tall!” -Robin

                  Metric is more accurate but still strange to me as well. “Man, the summers get like 98 degrees here!” “……” “Like, 36 degrees Celcius.” “OOHHH…WOW thats hot!”

                  Why didn’t the whole world decide to just use the metric system? America probably just wanted to be different 😛 lol


                    Melody wrote:

                    Pam Thompson wrote:

                    Lap dragons take 11mm. Our 10mm eyes are far to small for her. I am 99% sure that PYO keepers also take 11mm. I know they don’t take 10, because the keeper takes colors that we don’t have in 10.

                    Really? You’d be the one to know, but I just tried and 11mm in a keeper and it was way too big! It wouldn’t even go into the socket, but that could also be because the casting was weird or the eye was weird… happens. I will go check this again. I hope we aren’t shipping these things with eyes that won’t fit!

                    Just tested and 11mm fit with room to spare. Perhaps you had grabbed a 12mm eye by mistake. A casting would have to be incredibly bad for a 10mm to fit perfectly.


                      Melody wrote:

                      bayoudragon wrote:

                      I think it may be the griffins with the eye size/socket difference. I put the eyes in just to see how they would look, and now I can’t get them out. I guess this means I don’t have to glue them in. 😆

                      And I wasn’t about to try and force them out either… not after what happened with my phoenix! 🙄

                      I got lucky. It came off in one complete piece and was able to glue it back on perfectly. Thank goodness, too… I think I would have had a complete meltdown. I was trying eyes from another supplier, so I will add my word of caution along with the others.

                      Maybe this is a good time to ask about selling eyes in the store so we don’t look elsewhere?? 😳 *hides* That eye looks like it fits perfectly! I am surprised it was tight.
                      No, that’s not the eye that broke it. I just didn’t want to have empty sockets for the picture. 😳

                      And I check my keeper… the eyes fall right out of the sockets.

                      I am also glad that Windstone DOES sell the eyes not glued in. It makes for easier painting and allows some flexibility when it comes to color schemes. I, and I’m sure many others, are very thankful Windstone does this! 🙂


                        Pam Thompson wrote:

                        Melody wrote:

                        Pam Thompson wrote:

                        Lap dragons take 11mm. Our 10mm eyes are far to small for her. I am 99% sure that PYO keepers also take 11mm. I know they don’t take 10, because the keeper takes colors that we don’t have in 10.

                        Really? You’d be the one to know, but I just tried and 11mm in a keeper and it was way too big! It wouldn’t even go into the socket, but that could also be because the casting was weird or the eye was weird… happens. I will go check this again. I hope we aren’t shipping these things with eyes that won’t fit!

                        Just tested and 11mm fit with room to spare. Perhaps you had grabbed a 12mm eye by mistake. A casting would have to be incredibly bad for a 10mm to fit perfectly. Yeah , you are right. I must of grabbed either a 12, ( out of the tub of 11s-?) or a super fat 11.


                          WolfenMachine wrote:

                          drag0nfeathers wrote:

                          It’s funny how 99% of Americans all shriek in the face of metric 😆 I still do any way.

                          LOL Like on that show “How I Met Your Mother” one of the characters is Canadian-
                          “Mt.Waddington is the tallest mountain in Canada!” -Robin
                          *everyone gives her a confused look*
                          “….its like 11,000 meters tall!” -Robin

                          Metric is more accurate but still strange to me as well. “Man, the summers get like 98 degrees here!” “……” “Like, 36 degrees Celcius.” “OOHHH…WOW thats hot!”

                          Why didn’t the whole world decide to just use the metric system? America probably just wanted to be different 😛 lol

                          Same reason we drive on the “wrong” side of the road here… 😈

                          And can I just say, after reading Melody’s post on grabbing an eye out of a tub full of’em, that given how the eyes “follow” you, I think I’d get totally creeped out looking at a tub full of eyes that watch me, wherever I go…. 😮


                            They eyes only seem to ‘follow you’ when they are set in a socket and have context as eyes. A bunch of them together, loose, just looks like candies to me!

                            Or… maybe I’m just weird. That’s definitely possible.

                            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                            My art:


                              mmmm…eye candies! yum yum! 😀 😀 😀


                                Oh , and I tried an 11mm eye in the keeper I have here, one more time, and an 11 IS too tight in this one! Bad casting, I guess, so at least I’m not totally crazy.

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