Keeper Question

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    I’m sure this has been asked somewhere, but I can’t find it, so sorry for asking again 😳

    is there an ETA on more keeper pyos?



      asinnamon wrote:

      I’m sure this has been asked somewhere, but I can’t find it, so sorry for asking again 😳

      is there an ETA on more keeper pyos?

      Last I heard things were going very slow, since they only have one mold to cast them in! 😯

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


      Oh gosh! Things must be so chaotic right now for them….


        Ouch… slow going with one mold!
        I do really want one of these boys… so I’m waiting (although patiently) for more to arrive in the store.


          I would like to get a hold of one or more too… I haven’t had a chance yet…


            asinnamon wrote:

            I’m sure this has been asked somewhere, but I can’t find it, so sorry for asking again 😳

            is there an ETA on more keeper pyos?I just went out and looked … there are only two Keeper castings sitting out there.. I don’t know if there are any others somewhere, but I didn’t see any! So if the one mold has been taken off-line (because it ripped or something)…then it will be next week or so before they start getting cast again!

            They will start to get produced in bigger numbers when we have more molds.


            Ouch. 😯


            Yikes, all of that first batch produced with only one mold? 😯 They must have been a lot of work! Well, it’s a pretty safe bet that there will still be a demand for the next batch even if they are a little delayed. 😉 That’s a wonderful sculpt!


            bumping for a little :squeak: . just curious if anything has changed on the last update, hope i’m not pestering you too much!! I have such a hard time being patient 😕 😆


              Urg….me too….sigh….anxiously awaiting beautiful keepers…. 🙂


                I am patiently waiting too. I just want to get one to try.


                  asinnamon wrote:

                  bumping for a little :squeak: . just curious if anything has changed on the last update, hope i’m not pestering you too much!! I have such a hard time being patient 😕 😆

                  The issue was that there was only one mold being used for production, because we didn’t have an epoxy “master” cast to make the duplicate molds off of. We didn’t want to use the final plaster casting of the Keeper to reproduce production molds from because it could be damaged. There is now an epoxy “master” and molds will be getting made from it.


                    So we can expect more Keepers sometime soon? 😀



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