keeper pyo

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    Did I miss something? Is the Keeper going to be a painted production dragon instead of a PYO?


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Did I miss something? Is the Keeper going to be a painted production dragon instead of a PYO?

      😯 I must have missed something too. Because I thought Melody voted for a PYO Keeper.


        Blackdesertwind wrote:

        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Did I miss something? Is the Keeper going to be a painted production dragon instead of a PYO?

        😯 I must have missed something too. Because I thought Melody voted for a PYO Keeper.

        Me three 😯 Please make the keeper a pyo *begs*




          The green one in the gallery was painted by hand, I believe – with regular brushes I mean – so there’s no way that would be a production color. And last I heard, the keeper dragon really didn’t look good painted like the production dragons…I’m also hoping that it will remain a PYO!

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien


          Didn’t look good painted in production colors? How can that be?


            I dunno, but I hope its true. I want to paint some more and I have been in a slump with the ones I have. I have not picked up a paintbrush in a month 🙁


              Not sure about the PYO status, but Melody’s post (on page 2, from Nov. 19) just says Keeper in the number eight spot. It’s probably PYO, but we’ll have to :squeak: for an answer! 😀







                  Squeak, squeak! 😀 Keeper PYO sqeak!
                  (Mermaid scary, but potentially fun, def. will be a learning experience)
                  This is pretty cool! I can’t believe I missed this.

                  The Chessie pic is great. My best friend just bought some cheap horse sculpts so that my daughter could paint with me (she’s 3) when I paint dragons. She’s so serious about it, and I end up loving the strange paint jobs she does on those little guys 🙂
                  Do you still have the mermaid she painted or did she end up repainting it? It kills me when Kiera wants to repaint one…

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