
Just When I Needed It Most… PINK POAD PICS

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  • #673907

        LOL PERFECT!!


          What if the scratcher replies with something like “get yer own?”

          twindragonsmum 😀



            Sorry you’re having a hard time. Did I miss what the NCOER was about?
            Not the same, but I know when my husband’s partner got a complaint that was from a bitter girl on a traffic stop, the letter stays in his file forever even though it was unfounded. Caught her lying because the cop cams 😆 Stupid witch!

            I hope it gets sorted out soon! Stay the 6 years and get your retirement!


              Phoenix wrote:

              Sorry you’re having a hard time. Did I miss what the NCOER was about?
              Not the same, but I know when my husband’s partner got a complaint that was from a bitter girl on a traffic stop, the letter stays in his file forever even though it was unfounded. Caught her lying because the cop cams 😆 Stupid witch!

              I hope it gets sorted out soon! Stay the 6 years and get your retirement!The NCOER was about me kinda quitting my position. We worked late all the time and on weekends. I didnt have time to help Justin with his homework, take him to football practice, doctors appts, nothing. He had to come to work with me to work late on multiple occasions, twice when he was sick. Finally, the last straw was having to come back to work to get acft ready that were not even mine. I told them that my sons education was suffering (He was getting in trouble at school alot for both behavior and not having his homework done) and that I needed to be chaptered out. My CPT seemed sympathetic, found me another job, then wrote me a horrible NCOER. What gets to me is that all this time, she is sleeping with an E-4 from the other platoon. What a bootch. Now I am fighting it because all the bad bullets on my NCOER are based on this one event and its not supposed to be like that. If it doesnt change, then oh well… I cant say I made the wrong descision. I have been happy back at D co.


                Seems a bit two faced to me. I’d be seriously pissed. 👿


                Woot! I’d forgotten all about that Poad. Congrats, Ski! I’m sorry life’s being rough on you, but we really do care. Hugs. 😀


                  OMG, I just saw this now! I’m so outta it lately. 🙄

                  What an adorable Poad(tm) you got ski! 😀 She is so beautiful in that color! Oh man… I really want one like that. Your siggie is cute too!

                  I am so sorry to hear about everything that has been going on with you. That is so not right! What a biznatch your NCOER is! 👿 I really hope everything works out in the end for you though. Your family is definitely most important, and you were just trying to do what’s best. You can get through this girl! 🙂 *big hugs*


                    Love the Poadâ„¢. Glad you like it. I’m sorry you’re going through such sh*t right now. We’re here for ya!! *Hugs*


                    The Poad is lovely! And very sorry about that squicky chicky CPT who has been stupid up one side and down the other. What a petty mind she has. 👿 Of course, being stupid, she has set herself up for some bodacious karmic payback. Maybe her bedroom buddy will prove to have an embarrassing personal disease. 😈

                    Hang in there. You are the prize worth keeping, and if the Army is too nearsighted to see it, well, sod them. You made the best choice you could given the circumstances (awful ones) that faced you, and you’re a lot stronger person than CPT Biznatch. I’d like to see her hold up under what you’ve faced and overcome. She’s just a fool and vicious to boot, a badly-trained chihuahua. Sooner or later she’ll reap what she’s sown, and I daresay it will choke her.


                    I’m glad everyone was able to get the poad for you. I knew about it, but hadn’t heard the results.

                    Sorry things are so stressful for you, with any luck at all, things should improve soon. Just hang in there, keep at it, and it’ll work out.

                    Your new Poad is adorable.



                      the signature is too cool now… 😀


                      She’s a pretty poad!!! I’m not a fan of pink, but WOW! 😀

                      My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                      I am sorry about what is going on, and I am glad you like the poad!! She is adorable! I hope things do get resolved.


                        You finally got it! I saw the Poad when I visited the factory. It is so pretty! I hope things get better for you.

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