
Just So Everyone Is Clear

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      Have you seen the fledgling on ebay titled Windstone Fletchling Dragon Emerald / Peacock? It’s definitely not an emerald or a peacock. Any idea what color that is and where it may have come from?



        Have you seen the fledgling on ebay titled Windstone Fletchling Dragon Emerald / Peacock? It’s definitely not an emerald or a peacock. Any idea what color that is and where it may have come from?

        I believe that is a legitimate fledgeling emerald peacock dragon, taken with a camera that did not translate some very yellow lighting properly. If anyone is interested in that piece they might ask the seller for a few photos taken outdoors to see the true colors… but I am nearly certain it is an em/pea with yellow/incandescent lighting!

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          Thank you Jennifer. It just looked so yellow and purple to me that I had a hard time believing it was an emerald peacock. It didn’t look anything like the one in the store so I was confused. I’m glad you have much better eyes than I do.


            I saw that and raised an eyebrow with that gaudy paint job…

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