
Just quick curlie question

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      Do you know if you will be making more Lavender and Blue Curlies in the future? I can no longer stay on line at work and I missed the 1st small batch. I’m trying ot collect them all as long as they are not a one of a kind



        She said there will be more once the move is over.


          Thank you. I can’t get on at work anymore and will be working a 2nd job starting VERY soon. I’m not sure if I will be around much anymore


            Awww DM. If youre not around anymore, you will be missed


              Sorry but I have to keep the house and they are starting to REALLY watch me at work. I already have a grevience at work for one of the managers since that Saturday I was the ONLY one being watched for internet usage. I’ll do my best to at least keep up with the hatchery. I might only be able to get one line 30 minutes every other day or so. I might have to start staying at my aunts 2-3 nights a week.
              I should know more about scheduling for my 2nd job on Friday morning


                That sux πŸ‘Ώ I’d wondered where you were…. Do pop in when you can; I’ve missed your comments! Hang in there!




                  well last week I was on vaction and was at Lake Tahoe for a few days as a Memeorial fo rmy mom and Grandma. One year for my mom who passed away 4-30-07 and 2 years for my grandma who passed away 5-28-06. Their ashes are scattered there


                    Yeah, don’t get yourself in trouble at work over the forum, especially if they are watching only you for internet usage. I wouldn’t risk coming online at work if that was the case. Keeping your job and house are far more important. πŸ™‚ Members here can help maintain the hatchery if you want to try to get on from your aunt’s when you can. Good luck on the second job!


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      Do you know if you will be making more Lavender and Blue Curlies in the future? I can no longer stay on line at work and I missed the 1st small batch. I’m trying ot collect them all as long as they are not a one of a kind

                      Yes we will.
                      When did we get those little titles under our names?? Never noticed them before.


                        Snap has been playing! πŸ˜†


                          Yeah…he changed my name to Dinner for a while…and then it was Tastes Like Chicken…. πŸ˜†


                            Yep, he was having a good ol time yesterday. πŸ˜†


                            it’s so fun when he pops online πŸ˜€


                              Melody wrote:

                              Dragon Master wrote:

                              Do you know if you will be making more Lavender and Blue Curlies in the future? I can no longer stay on line at work and I missed the 1st small batch. I’m trying ot collect them all as long as they are not a one of a kind

                              Yes we will.
                              When did we get those little titles under our names?? Never noticed them before.

                              Yay!!! I might finaly get a few of them. Those went sooo fast the first time πŸ˜₯ . Make tons…te hee hee πŸ˜† .

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