Just not the same as Windstone

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      This might sound like a complaint, but its really a compliment. After you get into Windstones, and get accustomed to the fine details, colors, etc. nothing else really compares. I realize how picky I have become (and how much Melody’s work has spoiled me) when I see stuff like this:

      Griffin Gate Keepers

      Now if we could get Windstone to do a few more garden sculps like the Wolf Guardian…….. 😀

      Thanks Melody and everyone at the factory for spoiling us!



          Silver Arrow wrote:


          Now if we could get Windstone to do a few more garden sculps like the Wolf Guardian……..

          Thanks Melody and everyone at the factory for spoiling us!

          I second that!


          I really like the hind ends, especially in that top view shot. It looks so lithe and like it’s about to crawl off.

          The wings and head? Ugh.


            I kind of like them. My husband collects gargoyles, and these are very different and creepy <– that's kind of the point of gargoyles. They're kind of bird-like, but kind of demon-like — like the Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth. They look like they might slither when they creep <– Ooo! I just gave myself goosebumps.

            I wished they’d ship to the U.S. I’d probably bid on them for him. I think he’d really like them.


              Oh my god, if I had a face that ugly I’d be all depressed looking too.


              Aww! They are so cute! Their expressions make me think of a very indignant cat. I would put they right out on my doorstep, and they would keep all the sollicitors and church people away 😈


              I like the face! It’s the wings that are uuugly.


                Saydee72 wrote:

                Aww! They are so cute! Their expressions make me think of a very indignant cat. I would put they right out on my doorstep, and they would keep all the sollicitors and church people away 😈

                lol… I love that! Anyone here from the U.K. willing to ship them to me? (I guess you’d need to buy them for me too.)


                Maybe Ssthisto would do it, or Ryliecat… They-re not too bad. I think the beaks are way oversized, they look starved, and the wings look like leaves. But other than that, I-ve seen worse.


                I’d like to point out it has to ship freight it weighs so much- being in a chemical management company that does a lot of shipping to Israel those pallets being sent freight with 55 gallon drums of chemicals on them gets REALLY EXPENSIVE REALLY quick.


                  I dont like their wings, but I like their back alot! Faces are not horrible…they look kinda like cartoon chickens, though…


                  CherylKaufman wrote:

                  I’d like to point out it has to ship freight it weighs so much- being in a chemical management company that does a lot of shipping to Israel those pallets being sent freight with 55 gallon drums of chemicals on them gets REALLY EXPENSIVE REALLY quick.

                  I-d like to throttle the smart aleck who came up with the notion that it-s a small world. I pay a fortune for getting my pieces over here, no matter their size or weight.


                    I think its wonderful see everybody opinion on stuff! I have to laugh because what some people like, others don’t and vice-versa. It’s what makes the world go around! 😀


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    CherylKaufman wrote:

                    I’d like to point out it has to ship freight it weighs so much- being in a chemical management company that does a lot of shipping to Israel those pallets being sent freight with 55 gallon drums of chemicals on them gets REALLY EXPENSIVE REALLY quick.

                    I-d like to throttle the smart aleck who came up with the notion that it-s a small world. I pay a fortune for getting my pieces over here, no matter their size or weight.

                    Ermmm, GB- I am so sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but Mr Disney is dead, you will never be able to smack him .

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