Just need to vent…Update! Possible good news!

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      We have Blue Cross Blue Shield blue options. For Alan and I it costs us $273.00 a month with a 4200 deductable. That doesn’t sound good, I know. But when I went into the hospital last year I managed to rack up 16000. I was able to work with them and said if I paid it off now, what would you charge? I walked out with 7000 on my credit card. ( amazing the difference in price, huh?) I’ll pay 4200 anyday.


      Jennifer wrote:

      Kyrin– I hear you and I am so sorry you are having trouble with this. This week my husband had to go to urgent care for strep throat, and we are uninsured (not for a lack of trying, but I am self employed and the cheapest insurance I can get for us costs more than I make in a month, per month!). So… I sit here with the proverbial tail between my legs, waiting for the bill and I know it’ll be outrageous. Health care here in the US is very harsh on those that cannot afford or are not offered insurance benefits through employers. 🙁

      Talk to the hospital Jenn, often they will cut the rates drastically for a non insured patient, so call billing once you have the bill and explain your situation, also many hospitals have a charity attached to them, if you guys qualify and likely you do, then they might forgive the bill entirely.

      It’s worth the effort of trying.



        Kyrin wrote:

        Jennifer wrote:

        Kyrin– I hear you and I am so sorry you are having trouble with this. This week my husband had to go to urgent care for strep throat, and we are uninsured (not for a lack of trying, but I am self employed and the cheapest insurance I can get for us costs more than I make in a month, per month!). So… I sit here with the proverbial tail between my legs, waiting for the bill and I know it’ll be outrageous. Health care here in the US is very harsh on those that cannot afford or are not offered insurance benefits through employers. 🙁

        Talk to the hospital Jenn, often they will cut the rates drastically for a non insured patient, so call billing once you have the bill and explain your situation, also many hospitals have a charity attached to them, if you guys qualify and likely you do, then they might forgive the bill entirely.

        It’s worth the effort of trying.


        That and, if necessary, if they are willing to work out a payment plan. I got rushed to the hospital the day before Christmas with the flu (really bad strain that year…dad had to carry me, doctor took one look and sent me to the ER). I was recently out of college and had no insurance (couldn’t afford the cheapest one that NYS offered. The hospital let me work out monthly payments. Took me a year to pay off, but it was better than nothing and I only had to ask (tried to see if they would lower the amount, but no go).


          Indeed, they do offer charity care. The problem therein is often if you do get insurance within so many days, they can make you pay the full amount.

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


          Jennifer wrote:

          Indeed, they do offer charity care. The problem therein is often if you do get insurance within so many days, they can make you pay the full amount.

          Are you likely to fit into that category anytime soon?? If not, then give it a shot. Even if you can’t ask for charity help, they will reduce the bill for folks who have to pay cash and often allow payments.

          I know all this stuff, but did I use them all when I could, no…why, cause I’m a dope!



            the chance is always worth a shot…and I agree…healthcare in this country is just plain sad. 😕


              Kyrin wrote:

              Jennifer wrote:

              Indeed, they do offer charity care. The problem therein is often if you do get insurance within so many days, they can make you pay the full amount.

              Are you likely to fit into that category anytime soon?? If not, then give it a shot. Even if you can’t ask for charity help, they will reduce the bill for folks who have to pay cash and often allow payments.

              I know all this stuff, but did I use them all when I could, no…why, cause I’m a dope!


              My husband is going to be eligible for insurance benefits starting next month, so yes. *grins* darned if you do, darned if you don’t! 😉

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com


              Owwwww, talk about the worst timing. 🙁

              But I’m glad he’ll be eligable, as a sort of ‘peace of mind’ thing. Will you be covered too?


                gah! what a bite in the butt…. 😡 😡


                  Adaneth wrote:

                  Owwwww, talk about the worst timing. 🙁

                  But I’m glad he’ll be eligable, as a sort of ‘peace of mind’ thing. Will you be covered too?

                  It will be expensive, but not as expensive as it would be if i were to do it (as a ‘self employed’ individual) so yes! Not ideal, but at this point it is a gift to know I’ll have insurance, and I am grateful for it. 🙂

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com



                    Sweetie, I’m so sorry that you’ve had to experience all this!! What I pick up on is that you are still positive about the situation even though it sucks, and that says SOOOO much about your strong will and enduring character!

                    Hang in there babe! You know we are all here for you and are sending big hugs to you guys, and nasty spikies to the claims people!



                    My wonderful Refinance guy, Sam, everyone send him kisses and hugs, has pulled out a miracle and gotten us approved for a refi with cash back to cover both of the collection bills…by the end of Oct, they just might be a thing of the past.

                    My mortgage will go down 1/2 a point interest wise, and the payment will increase by $16 to cover the new amount, but $16 more a month versus $1000 loss each month is definately much better!

                    So everyone cross their fingers that all this will go through as expected and we can get to tell these guys to go kiss our arses very soon.

                    Downside is we ripped out our closet, and have to hastily build a new one immediately, since no closet makes our bedroom into simply a room, and that would make our house a 2 bed 2 bath…ideally if we could have Karli’s room done before the appraisal, that would be great too, but we’d need about $300 this weekend to be able to build it in time…and we simply don’t have it. But that would up the value of the house a bit and guarantee the loan would cover everything.

                    Anyone got $300 they could spare me for about a month? LOL! (kidding)

                    Anyway, things are looking up…



                      Well, that sounds positive. Good luck!


                        Keeping my fingers crossed for ya Kyrin. Sounds like a good thing.


                        Sam deserves a medal! 😀 I hope everything works out, bummer about the short time deadline for the closet, though.

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