just lost my health insurance, WHAT NOW??

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    UGH like I don’t have enough problems, my father hasn’t been able to pay most of our bills so I just found out today that my health insurance has been canceled. D8

    UGH. Now I won’t be able to get new insurance cause no one will take me when they see that. x.X

    WHAT NEXT???????

    Anyone know how I can get on welfare? x.x;


    I’m sorry you’re going through all of this, PaperCut. Right at Christmas too…I don’t know how to get on welfare, maybe someone else does?


    It’d be nice if I could work, but with all my health/metal issues I can’t. :puke: So I really don’t know what to do. My father’s not doing anything about it, my brother won’t help… my mother works about 27 hours a week for $6.something an hour but it’s not enough to make a difference and they won’t give her more hours. :shrug:


    Are there any other family members or friends you can turn to for help?


    Nope. 😥



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