
Just Letting Everyone Know

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      Laying it all out there publicly just to avoid a bunch of PMs and stuff because I am not as available as I would like to be and may not be available for a while.

      I have basically all my commissions all set, painted, repaired, and shipped so that’s good. I know I have a male Unicorn repair to send off to his home and a couple boxes of Flap Cat repairs to send back to another customer and that’s all. I will have no more commissions or stuff in my house that belongs to other people! YAY! These all will be sent out this month sometime. (at least I hope so)

      The reason why I am laying this all out is I have just been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and acute exacerbation / sparatic broncho spasm…. most of these things, I don’t know what they mean. All I know is I have been in and out of the emergency room 3 times in the past week and a half because my chest and throat have just been randomly closing up and I have no idea why. I have no allergies that I know of and no one particular thing seems to be causing it. I had been averaging about one attack a month this time last year, and then maybe in the past 3-6 months I was getting about one a week, to now, it’s every other day and they are much worse to the point I almost pass out.

      However… not being able to breathe is quite terrifying so I finally went to the emergency room for the last few times since I have gotten to the point I thought I was maybe, possibly going to pass out and not wake up. I assumed I may have developed asthma or some sort of allergy, but I just got some Xrays done the day before yesterday and we know it’s not asthma, not bronchitis, not phenomonia, basically, not anything they can tell me what it is. The fact they would not let me SEE the X ray bothers me the most I think.

      The ER doctor told me my lungs look “abnormal” so at this point I have no clue but he hinted that I may have some kind of lung disease, of what type, he doesn’t know, (or just can’t tell me) but I need to see a specialist as soon as I can. At least, this is what I was told. So far, they seem to think anything having to do with exerting myself, or any kind of activity seems to be causing the attacks because it seems if I do anything besides it on my couch like a lump I start to wheeze. Also, I have been holding pretty steady at about a 130 heart rate which apparently is bad. For the moment I am being treated as if I have exercise induced asthma until I see a real doctor.

      Of course, I don’t have a primary (never seen a doctor in my life) so I have a lengthy waiting list before I can be seen and I need a primary to recommend me to a specialist which I’m sure will take another waiting list. I don’t know how much more of a pain in the butt they can really make giving me bad news and giving me the treatment I actually need so I can breathe, but I guess it’s just a long road of pointless bills basically just for someone to tell me whatever the ER person can’t tell me.

      ANYWAY, for now I am on an inhaler, prednisone, and a few other happy handful of prescriptions that aren’t helping very much and seem to cost more then they are worth. If I use the inhaler, it seems to stop the attack from getting worse if I just don’t move, but I have to get it quick or I am back in the ER again regardless so I have to keep it with me 24-7 and nip it as soon as I feel short of breath (as I found the other night when I got the amazing idea to shampoo my carpet)

      So there you have it. If I’m not around, this is why. It doesn’t take much effort to type on a computer so I will still be available in a sense, however I do not like pills and I do not react well to them. I take two Advil and I get the shakes, so I just don’t know if I am going to be up to being on the computer much. Maybe I’ll be fine, I just don’t know. I do know I will not be taking on more commissions for the time being. At least nothing major.

      I’ve basically been told to just sit and do nothing until I see a doctor, but unfortunately I need to work because I need income, but at least I am on light duty. We’ll see what happens. I just want to breathe again. I can only describe it as how it must feel to be a fish out of water trying to breathe. That’s how it feels anyway.

      So hooray… >_< I will say... if I find out after ALL of this crap that I DO actually have lung disease, I want little wallet sized prints of my X rays to put in thank you cards for my WHOLE family who are all chronic chain smokers while I (the only NON smoker in the whole family) end up with freaking lung disease.

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        On no! That is so scary! Rest well and I hope you are able to get all fixed up soon!


          I hope you get better soon . Noone likes being sick . Take care .


            OH SNAP drag0n! This is awful! Praying for you!


              Holey Moley! I’m sorry to hear about your breathing troubles. I can only imagine how scary it must be for you. I really hope that “they” find out what’s wrong and that you can get treatment as quickly as possible. Even if it means taking pills or inhalers, they are a FAR better choice than the alternative!

              I’ll keep a good thought – several actually 🙂 – for you. PM or email anytime you feel up to it.

              All the best, always.

              Life is beautiful.


                Holy crapola!!! *hugs* get better soon!!


                Very sorry to hear what is going on with you Mandy. I hope that they figure out what it is and are able to fix it and alleviate your pain and discomfort. Best of luck to you and my thoughts and prayers are with you. **HUGGS**


                  Thanks so much everyone ^_^ Your support means a lot. *hugs*

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                    *Glomps gently* Let me know if you need anything. A bit on the run with all the health ordeals with my mom at the moment (and Lucky’s leg is acting funky), and travel the next few weeks, but I’ll do what I can, even if it is just to vent!

                    Oh, btw, my mom gets jittery with nebulizer treatments too. She’s sensitive to meds (as am I). She said if the treatments are an issue, ask to get the saline that can go with the nebulizer and mix the meds equal parts with the saline (it comes in the tubes and you’d need a script, so ask the doctor about it), so it isn’t the med straight up all by itself. It can help ease the jitters and ‘help the medicine go down’ (sorry, couldn’t avoid the reference! :P). This was on suggestion by her doctor and it works well. Again, you would need to ask the doctor for a script for the saline (it’s not the same as the saline for contacts), but they should know what you are talking about if you ask.


                      I am so sorry to hear that you’re having these troubles, drag0n! I wish I could reach out and bump your name to the top of the wait list. Although honestly, with your symptoms they NEED to put some priority on you. Keep after them, I’d say. This isn’t just a persistent sniffle or an aching back, this is your heart and lungs. I can translate the medicalese for you; I’ll send you a PM in just a moment.

                      Hang in there, and take care of yourself! We all want you feeling better!


                        I hope you get better! D: Take it easy as much as you can!

                        Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



                        Well that sucks. I hope they can figure out what is going on & can fix it. Take care meantime!


                          Thanks barrdwing for the message. It was very informative, I PMed you back, and thank you to everyone else. ^_^ I hope I can get fixed up soon.

                          Oh yea sib, that nebulizer treatment they gave me at the ER was okay the first time. I had pins and needles on my fingers and toes and sort of on my face. It felt weird, like my body was falling asleep, but at the same time had like 10 cups of coffee! I want the home version of that thing. *nods*

                          It was when the ER doctor said I needed two more and like half way through the 2nd one my whole body was shaking and my teeth were chattering like I was cold… but I was not cold! THEN they made me take a 3rd one. My heart rate was almost hit 150, it was jumping around the mid to high 140s and the nurse gave me a call button.

                          I was like “uh… why do I need a call button?” and she was like “Just in case” and zoomed out the room. I looked at Shaun with a sad panic face like “In case of what! my effing heart explodes!?” 0.o

                          The funny part was the x-ray woman kept telling me to stay still and I was shaking like a leaf so she had to do the x-rays a few times because they were blurry I guess?

                          It wore off, but when I was at work the next day I still sort of had the shakes. My legs were like rubber all day. I’m a light weight with any kind of medical stuff. My body has no tolerance. I only take pain killers when I am in agony, like a super bad headache or something and if I do I HAVE to eat something or else I get the shakes really bad.

                          I dunno… so far so good with what I am on now. It’s a good thing barrdwing told me what I can’t mix though or else that would have been bad. I already have a sensitive stomach so yea… good thing those ER doctors DIDN’T mention that to me! >_<

                          Got a busted Windstone?
                          *OPEN for repairs*

                          *SEEKING GRAILS*
                          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                          Siphlophis Male Dragon
                          Calypso Hatching Empress
                          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                          Tattoo Mother Kirin
                          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                            Scary! :S Hope you feel better soon!!!


                              oog, that sounds scary! hope you get better soon!

                              4 things I'm looking for:
                              1. Mother Meerkat
                              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

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