Just for fun – Post your room/work area images!

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      So I was taking some pictures of my little living room earlier (which is where I do all of my painting as well) and decided it might be fun to share and see if anyone else would like to share their work areas or rooms.

      I painted the walls in my room over the course of a couple of years in high school (I think I was 16 when I started), and I’ve always meant to redo some of them so that the edges are nicer and the mural itself looks more professional, but yikes it would be a huge project! Please excuse my random mess and the giant pile of boxes – that only started happening since I started collecting/painting Windstones!

      Also, my cat Boo Boo apparently likes to be in pictures too.

      Can you see how many Windstones I have on my desk? There are a couple hiding 🙂

      Fun extra: can you guess how many blank PYO sculpts I have just by looking at this picture of all of the eyes I have currently stocked? Hint – I’m a collector! I like to have LOTS of options!

      Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


        I love your desk! Your place is so colourful! And I see my little ponies too! I like the line of fuzzies under your computer. I love your eye collection, that’s awesome. And your kitty is so adorable, especially in the one photo where he’s (she?) all stretched out.

        I took some pictures of my little place. You can probably tell why I live alone xD I’m not sure if I made these small enough. But you can right click them and hit “open in new tab” or something similar to see the full thing.

        So this is the desk in my bedroom. It’s supposed to be my “school” desk but as you can see it is littered with arty things. It’s kind of a big fat mess.

        Panned out a bit, the big shelf to the left of my desk has lots of sculptures and dolls and stuff.

        The other side of the room, where the bed and such are. I nailed the blanekts over the window in the winter to keep warm but I got used to having “curtains” now I can’t force myself to take them down.

        The last side of the room, near the foot of my bed. Dresser, christmas breyers, and the big soft sculpture I made a few years ago. (The big white unicorn)

        The living room and kitchen. I didn’t photograph the kitchen since it’s tiny, messy, and currently full of dead flies (they flew in to hide from the rain). One side of the room is full of my little ponies, the other has my “art” desk, and some other shelves.

        The hideously beautiful mass of ponies.

        The doorway, my main shelf of windstones, random other things (bathroom’s in there somewhere too)

        This desk is also a huge mess. You can see a poor upside down dragon sculpture and a decapitated horse too.


          Hannah, we have the same computer desk. 🙂

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


            Oohhhh! Look at all of Scenceable’s beautiful sculptures, and a PYO in the works on Hannah’s desk!! *drool*


              scenceable – OMG at all of your MLP’s!!!! I actually just recently bought the two on my desk, which is why they are in front of a Keeper that drag0n painted XD I took them out of the box with that little care bear and just sat them up there. I’m running out of display room!!

              What’s the pony that you have 2 full shelves of, is that just a personal favorite? I see your kitty made an appearance in your pictures too! Soo cute!!

              Jennifer – haha, awesome!! I hated this desk when I got it wayyy back in high school, but it’s fantastic for painting because it’s so darned big! I bet yours isn’t as cluttered as mine XD

              ghostndragon – It’s so strange that the PYO came out in that picture looking so ORANGE! He’s actually blue and brown – it’s going to be a Cloud Keeper, based on the Phoenixes that I did a while back 🙂

              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                wow hannah I didn’t even notice the cat got into one of the pictures. Crafty cat. The white ponies with pink hair are birthflower ponies, each one has a different flower symbol representing a different month. I got the whole set some time ago, but the way they look on the shelf they cover the symbols of each other. But yes, so many ponies. They were my first love, before I’d ever heard of windstones. I think there’s around 500 of them now 🙂


                  Scenceable – I have shelves full of ponies like that too!!! :bigsmile: I never had the big playsets though…

                  Hannah – Love the murals on the wall. :bigsmile: I always wanted to paint Dream Valley on my walls but wasn’t allowed… Even posters were discouraged 😐

                  I would post pics but my room is crammed full of a full apartment of stuff since my roommates absolutely forbid me to put my stuff anywhere but my room. 😐


                    Jennifer – haha, awesome!! I hated this desk when I got it wayyy back in high school, but it’s fantastic for painting because it’s so darned big! I bet yours isn’t as cluttered as mine XD

                    It’s a weird desk! All of my furniture is second hand because I can’t afford new furniture, so I didn’t have much choice. I’m thankful for it though… a weird desk is better than no desk!!

                    And dude mine is way more cluttered than yours. I wish I had the open space on it. My keyboard (one of those big huge clunky ergonomic things) sits on the main desk part because my keyboard drawer is full of my Wacom tablet and about 4 or 5 paintings at any given time. XD Add in a large scanner, printer, two screens, a postal scale, all of my tax paperwork, shipping supplies, and a handful of art supplies…

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                    Maybe I should share My miasma of a workspace! It is a real wonder how I even get ANYTHING done!


                      I love seeing these threads!
                      Sceneable-I love your MLP corner! All of mine are still in plastic tubs until I can figure out a good way to display them. 🙁 I once had over 300, and a whole “pony room” to display them all in- now my collection fits in 2 or 3 under bed storage tubs. Do you ever post on the MLPTP or MLPArena?

                      I love your display of the Christmas Breyers too! I’m not a big Breyer collector, but I love the Christmas and Halloween ones. I only have 1 Christmas one so far, but love the Nutcracker Prince most and want to get him next.
                      I love seeing all your sculptures together too! I’d love to comission you one day as well (or finish the trade we started a while back *sweat drop)

                      I share my “office” with Joshy’s red tailed boa, Baby Girl, an Oscar, some other fish, a rosy boa and 3 leopard geckos.

                      I love this desk! My work recently upgraded their office furniture and got rid of the old stuff and my boss said I could have the desk O.O Its insantely heavy-I wont be moving it again-I’ll sell it when Josh and I move next (but I hope thats not for several years I love it here) Its got room for my Windstones and lots of storage space. I just got it within the last month.


                      To the right of the desk:

                      behind the desk (to the right of the snakes)

                      To the left of the desk:

                      To the left of the above picture:


                        Wow wolfen, love your space. That desk really is epic! I did spot a few ponies in there though! I have an account on the arena and trading post, but I never use the trading post much anymore. I’m quite active on the arena though. No worries about the trade… I didn’t even remember we ever had one arranged to be honest 🙂

                        I’m not a huge breyer collector. I like the christmas ones, the thoroughbred racehorses, and have a few others. I’m not sure you can see them in the photos. The racehorses are in a glass case beside my tv (you can see them in the picture with my cat), and the others are way up high on top of the cabinet in the kitchen. (you can see their feet in the second last photo…) I don’t have space for too many new collections.

                        Amanda, please post some pics of your workspace! 🙂


                          Haha, Wolfen, I recognize that Aptar box. XD

                          Man, you guys either have way more ‘stuff’ than me, or I’m just better at hiding it. But since I enjoyed peeping at your rooms, it’s only fair I return the favor. I only took pictures of my bedroom (where I keep most of my Windstones and the desk I usually paint at), and the desk my computer is at tho.

                          computer desk :

                          bedroom :


                            Wow, kitsunelady, your computer desk is so beautiful! Your home looks so cute. 😀


                              Wow, kitsunelady, your computer desk is so beautiful! Your home looks so cute. 😀

                              Aw, thanks. XD The neatness on the desk is recent. It looked like a paper monster had pooped on it until I finished my taxes. But I had to clean all that up ASAP b/c we had guests for Easter. =)


                                Guests are always good to help get things tidy! :party:

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