Just curious…

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    What do you girls and guys like to do when you paint your PYO’s, or just do artsy things in general? Do you listen to music or the tv, talk to yourself (or the PYO you’re working on), make sure everything is quiet so you can concentrate?

    I like to listen to my CDs or the radio, or have someone there to talk to. Me and Neko_Vash_Fly have art night at my place, sometimes πŸ™‚ She draws while I paint, and we shoot the breeze for hours. I also like to keep something to drink on hand, so I don’t have to get up and worry about any paint drying anyplace it isn’t supposed to while I’m gone. Or worse, come back to a cat up to his whiskers in my paint, with little black hairs all over the tacky bits on the PYO and sticky paw prints all over the table 😑



      Most of the time I do arts (like PYO or counted cross stitch) after my almost-3-year-old has gone to bed so if I turn on tv or music it’s quietly so it won’t wake him up. If my husband were home I’d porbably chat with him some while working on things, but mostly I enjoy the quiet.


        I have music going most of the day when I work. The TV never comes on (I usually hate TV, makes me crazy). My parrot is often sitting on my chair, ‘helping’ me. πŸ˜‰

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          Listen to music. That’s all. Bring the laptop or the I-Cat out (or just blast it on surround).
          The tv is on sometimes, but I’m not the one watching it (so… listening to the tv as well sometimes).


          i listen to a few different cd’s on my walkman,or i listen to and sort of watch the tv,it really just depends on my mood πŸ™‚


          I only get a chance to paint on the weekends, so I’m usually multitasking… TV is playing DVDs (notinng to watch on weekends unless you like football or Nascar), computers are online to chat with friends in between whatever they are doing, laundry is in the washer and/or dryer…

          I have two or three paint projects going at one time. Depending on what I’m working on, I like to let the paint dry before I paint another color or section. So I let one dry while I work on another item. I currently have a couple Kirins and a dragon in progress. The dragon and I just aren’t communicating well. She doesn’t seem to be turning quite like I’d hoped and I don’t whether to keep trying to make something of it or to just start over with a different color.


            Watch TV or listen to music. πŸ™‚ I am wondering why sometimes painting starts to seem like a chore and sometimes I can sit down and knock one out in a few hours?


            I listen to my CDs, but I do that all the time anyways. XD;


            I listen to music when I’m at home. If I’m painting elsewhere it’s whatever people are doing in the background that I’m listening to. The worst idea is trying to paint with the computer on. I get hardly any painting done then. πŸ˜†


            I usually have music running, no matter what I do. For painting PYOs, though, I turn on an audio book from http://www.gutenberg.org or a radio show, so I can learn something while I work. Now, with it getting colder, I light up some or all of my candlelamps, since my room isn’t heated, and have a pot of tea or punch on the desk. I take breaks every one and a half to two hours to rest my eyes and run the dog, but otherwise I’m quite happy painting in my cubby hole. πŸ˜€


            Kujacker wrote:

            Listen to music. That’s all. Bring the laptop or the I-Cat out (or just blast it on surround).
            The tv is on sometimes, but I’m not the one watching it (so… listening to the tv as well sometimes).

            Yay for the i-Cat! My i-Fish keeps me company 8) I think the most embarrassing moment of my life was when I was painting in my PJ’s at the kitchen table, the i-fish grooving to a Pirates CD… when six of my friends randomly showed up out of the blue πŸ˜† And I had a cat on my lap and couldn’t jump and run.


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            I usually have music running, no matter what I do. For painting PYOs, though, I turn on an audio book from http://www.gutenberg.org or a radio show, so I can learn something while I work. Now, with it getting colder, I light up some or all of my candlelamps, since my room isn’t heated, and have a pot of tea or punch on the desk. I take breaks every one and a half to two hours to rest my eyes and run the dog, but otherwise I’m quite happy painting in my cubby hole. πŸ˜€

            No heat in your room? 😯 *shiver shiver* You must need a lot of candle lamps…


            Sometimes I paint sitting in the bird room with three cockatiels climbing all over the place and the “Battle of the Planets” CD running. Other times I paint sitting on the couch and theoretically watching TV (about 2% of my attention on the idiot box, and the rest on the PYO). I’m not big on TV by itself–I need to have something to do with my hands, or I get bored. πŸ˜› My husband gets awfully tired of me asking, “What just happened?” though. πŸ˜†


            Megani-chan wrote:

            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            I usually have music running, no matter what I do. For painting PYOs, though, I turn on an audio book from http://www.gutenberg.org or a radio show, so I can learn something while I work. Now, with it getting colder, I light up some or all of my candlelamps, since my room isn’t heated, and have a pot of tea or punch on the desk. I take breaks every one and a half to two hours to rest my eyes and run the dog, but otherwise I’m quite happy painting in my cubby hole. πŸ˜€

            No heat in your room? 😯 *shiver shiver* You must need a lot of candle lamps…

            I’m used to it by now, but yeah, that’s one of the reasons I love Windstone candlelamps and own at least a dozen…

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