Just a heads up to our European members…

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  • #535428

    Big congrats. You can bet the value will increase once the rest of the family comes out.


    Just out of interest, im really shocked at how little windstone is on US ebay i LOVE the small flap cats and i was expecting them to be something like £40 $80 as all the windstone i have seen in the UK is sooo expensive. But its not, well i mean it is but not as much as i thought if you get my drift. Is it just overpriced for everything in the UK? The shops i have seen selling the mother dragon price it at £100 about $200 thats loads compaired to ebay


    I’ve looked through a lot of UK stores selling Windstones. In the beginning I hope I could get my pieces there and save on shipping. But all the websites I saw way overcharged compared to the U.S.


    Actually, on ebay you can tend to get better prices then in the stores…but if you don’t buy from the stores then you can’t look at the item in person. I do like the stores because you can do lawaway at some of them. Also, you may want to look at the same seller you bought the griffin from…he has some more items that might be on your list (they are a little more, but if you were getting them from U.S. then it might save you a little money)


    I think that might be part of the problem in high bidding on ebay, i just assumed that windstone was rather expensive due to all the high prices i have seen on the internet for shops in the UK. Unfortunately for me i can never see the pieces so i tend to look on ebay. It costs a bomb on customs to get a large piece over here!


    Well, I guess that would be true as well. Maybe the shops have to factor in the price of shipping.


    Yes im sure thats a large part of it…oh well i’ll just have to watch ebay and get alot of the smaller pieces from US ebay 🙂


    Congrats on the gryphon! ^_^


    Got my Black Griffin today! HE is sooooooooo Handsome i love him 😀 And he was in one piece as well (Dances around the room with joy)


    Congrats, especially on the good packing of the seller. It’s awful to get broken Windstones in the mail.


      YAY! Congrats on a safe arrival!




        YAY congrats


        The best thing is my mum and dad love him! 😀


        oooo, that is pretty.

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