Jokes and email sharing

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      That wedding looks like fun! *shrug* If that is what you are into, I say go for it! I know several people who would love something like that! My friends had a punk wedding back in May (I was a brides maid for that). The bridesmaid dresses were plaid with a black bow on them that had a little skull in the middle of it. m/ Very non-traditional, but more fun than any wedding I’ve ever been to! 🙂 Couldn’t beat the music either. 😉

      Hehe… yeah. Dogs are sooo much easier with meds. I love that one! *snicker*


        guess I decided it the email I got was stupid after all 😉


        Blackdesertwind wrote:

        There was a blind girl…

        I guess I don’t get all warm and fuzzy about some things. I’d say the girl was lucky she didn’t end up marrying the guy, because he was an idiot. Donate body parts to your fiance and don’t think to discuss it with her first? (Never mind the part about donating BOTH of his eyes and not even being dead yet).

        I prefer the old saw about the guy selling his hair to buy his girlfriend a bicycle lock, and she sells her bicycle to buy him a fitted hat. Or whatever it all was. Now that’s a soppy story I can relate to.


          The Castle [Dave wrote:


          Blackdesertwind wrote:

          There was a blind girl…

          I guess I don’t get all warm and fuzzy about some things. I’d say the girl was lucky she didn’t end up marrying the guy, because he was an idiot. Donate body parts to your fiance and don’t think to discuss it with her first? (Never mind the part about donating BOTH of his eyes and not even being dead yet).

          I prefer the old saw about the guy selling his hair to buy his girlfriend a bicycle lock, and she sells her bicycle to buy him a fitted hat. Or whatever it all was. Now that’s a soppy story I can relate to.

          I think it was the gentleman who sold his pocket watch to buy her the hair comb she had always wanted, and she cut her hair to buy him a new watch fob. Moral of that story is, her hair will grow back….hehehe.

          As to the blind girl, I’m kinda morbid, but she probably got all depressed after feeling like a total @hole for breaking his heart like that….ironic justice would be if she was blinded again by mace or something….

          But I’m a sadistic evil person…..


          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          The Castle [Dave wrote:


          Blackdesertwind wrote:

          There was a blind girl…

          I guess I don’t get all warm and fuzzy about some things. I’d say the girl was lucky she didn’t end up marrying the guy, because he was an idiot. Donate body parts to your fiance and don’t think to discuss it with her first? (Never mind the part about donating BOTH of his eyes and not even being dead yet).

          I prefer the old saw about the guy selling his hair to buy his girlfriend a bicycle lock, and she sells her bicycle to buy him a fitted hat. Or whatever it all was. Now that’s a soppy story I can relate to.

          I think it was the gentleman who sold his pocket watch to buy her the hair comb she had always wanted, and she cut her hair to buy him a new watch fob. Moral of that story is, her hair will grow back….hehehe.

          As to the blind girl, I’m kinda morbid, but she probably got all depressed after feeling like a total @hole for breaking his heart like that….ironic justice would be if she was blinded again by mace or something….

          But I’m a sadistic evil person…..

          You got it! ‘The Gift of the Magi’ by O. Henry
          I remember that one from high school. 🙂

          As for the boyfriend, if I were him, I’d have given just one eye. But then, I have a lower opinion of human nature. 👿 I spent quite some time in college pondering a similar scenario, since my mom has awful vision–legally blind without glasses, and I so wish I could give her one of my better-than-average eyes in return. I so wish she could see the world as I see it.


          Blackdesertwind wrote:

          guess I decided it the email I got was stupid after all 😉

          I hope you didn’t think I was getting at you, on that email story about the blind girl. I was only using the email you posted as a straight line to come back with my own twist on things; not as a derogatory comment on your having posted it. I mean, I was happy that you did post it, because it gave me an opportunity to spout off.

          To be honest, although most of the lines in that email were way too soppy for my taste, the overall message was sound: get a perspective on life and your life (and the lives of those you are with) will be better for it.


            Adaneth wrote:

            You got it! ‘The Gift of the Magi’ by O. Henry
            I remember that one from high school. 🙂

            As for the boyfriend, if I were him, I’d have given just one eye. But then, I have a lower opinion of human nature. 👿 I spent quite some time in college pondering a similar scenario, since my mom has awful vision–legally blind without glasses, and I so wish I could give her one of my better-than-average eyes in return. I so wish she could see the world as I see it.

            If my mother could see the world through my eyes we would get along SOO much better! 😆 🙄


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            Adaneth wrote:

            You got it! ‘The Gift of the Magi’ by O. Henry
            I remember that one from high school. 🙂

            As for the boyfriend, if I were him, I’d have given just one eye. But then, I have a lower opinion of human nature. 👿 I spent quite some time in college pondering a similar scenario, since my mom has awful vision–legally blind without glasses, and I so wish I could give her one of my better-than-average eyes in return. I so wish she could see the world as I see it.

            If my mother could see the world through my eyes we would get along SOO much better! 😆 🙄

            That’s one way of looking at it! 😆 😆


              The Castle [Dave wrote:


              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              guess I decided it the email I got was stupid after all 😉

              I hope you didn’t think I was getting at you, on that email story about the blind girl. I was only using the email you posted as a straight line to come back with my own twist on things; not as a derogatory comment on your having posted it. I mean, I was happy that you did post it, because it gave me an opportunity to spout off.

              To be honest, although most of the lines in that email were way too soppy for my taste, the overall message was sound: get a perspective on life and your life (and the lives of those you are with) will be better for it.

              Same here, I was just PMSing and feeling sadistic 😆 Towards the girl, not you!! /Hugs!


                The Castle [Dave wrote:

                “]I hope you didn’t think I was getting at you, on that email story about the blind girl.

                😆 NO No..

                The Castle [Dave wrote:

                “]To be honest, although most of the lines in that email were way too soppy for my taste, the overall message was sound: get a perspective on life and your life (and the lives of those you are with) will be better for it.

                Me too that is why I posted it and I don’t like stuff that’s too soppy either.


                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                  Same here, I was just PMSing and feeling sadistic 😆 Towards the girl, not you!! /Hugs!

                  🙄 I know that silly 😆 😉


                  When Pumpkins Drink



                    I saw that a mini “bumper sticker” graphic on MySpace. Cute idea, but I wouldn’t want it on my front steps. 😆


                      For Frozen. 😈 😉

                      A fart it is a pleasant thing,

                      It gives the belly ease,

                      It warms the bed in winter,

                      And suffocates the fleas.

                      A fart can be quiet,

                      A fart can be loud,

                      Some leave a powerful,

                      Poisonous cloud

                      A fart can be short,

                      Or a fart can be long,

                      Some farts have been known

                      To sound like a song……

                      A fart can create

                      A most curious medley,

                      A fart can be harmless,

                      Or silent , and deadly.

                      A fart might not smell,

                      While others are vile,

                      A fart may pass quickly,

                      Or linger a while……

                      A fart can occur

                      In a number of places,

                      And leave everyone there,

                      With strange looks on their faces

                      From wide-open prairie,

                      To small elevators,

                      A fart will find all of

                      Us sooner or later.

                      But farts are all bad,

                      Is simply not true-

                      We must never forget…….

                      Sweet old farts like you!

                      Kinda brings a tear to your eye doesn’t it?

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