Jokes and email sharing

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      Ten Peeves that Dogs Have About Humans

      1. Blaming your farts on me…..not funny… not funny at all !!!

      2. Yelling at me for barking. I’M A FRIGGIN’ DOG!!

      3. Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out. Exactly whose walk is this anyway?

      4. Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose. Stop it!

      5. Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. Now you know why we chew your stuff up when you’re not home.

      6. The sleight of hand, fake fetch throw. You fooled a dog! Whoooo Hoooooooo, what a proud moment for the top of the food chain.

      7. Taking me to the vet for ‘the big snip’, then acting surprised when I freak out every time we go back!

      8. Getting upset when I sniff the crotches of your guests. Sorry, but I haven’t quite mastered that handshake thing yet.

      9. Dog sweaters. Hello??? Haven’t you noticed the fur?

      10. How you act disgusted when I lick myself. Look, we both know the truth. You’re just jealous.

      ———— ——— ——— ——— ———
      Now lay off me on some of these things.
      We both know who’s boss here!
      You don’t see me picking up your poop do you??


        too true


          πŸ˜† Cute!


          πŸ˜† Thanks, Jasmine.


            I thought this was adorable.


              awwww!!!! What a cutie!!! πŸ˜€


              lamortefille wrote:

              I thought this was adorable.

              That is such a cute puppy, I sent that one to my Mom months ago.


              farmer John’s 3 beautiful daughters are going out on dates tonight…

              door bell rings…farmer John answers..

              young man says “Hi! My name is Freddy and I’ve come to get Betty to take her out for spaghetti. Is she ready?”

              farmer John replies “Sure Freddy come on in and have a seat until she’s ready.”

              Young man walks in.

              door bell rings again…farmer John answers

              young man says “Hi! My name is Boe and I’ve come to get Floe to take her to the ice skating show. Is she ready to go?”

              farmer John says “Sure Boe come on in she’s ready to go.”

              man walks in.

              doorbell rings again…farmer John answers

              young man says “Hi! My name is tucker….”

              before the young man could finish…farmer John reaches for his shot gun and blows him away.
              He’s very protective of his daughters and that young man’s name just wasn’t cuttin it.

              My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† My boys read this one over my shoulder… As they were taking out the garbage you could hear them trying to come up with words that rhymed with tucker… 😯




                  Ooohh my, LMAO


                    πŸ˜† 😯 πŸ˜†


                    ooops. Shoulda sent it this way
                    Sorry πŸ˜•



                      SILENCE!! Night. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                        That was bad!! Funny as hell. But bad. I’m sooo going to get coal in my stocking for laughing at that πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

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