Jen's Sketches

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  • #722948

    Okay! Thanks for the clarification, Nam! 😀

    Man, it’s been three buisness days since USPS says my sketches arrived in Kansas City. o.O I wonder what they’ve been doing there. (Kansas City= four hour drive from Columbia.)

    Don’t mind me, I’m just being driven mad by impatience. XD


      I hope it gets to you soon…I understand your pain, I get impatient any time I order anything! 😆


        Same here! I’ve no patience whatsoever 🙄 😆 😆



        IT CAME!!!!!!

        It was kind of a scary day for it to come considering it was raining all lunch hour, which is when the mail comes. (Poor mail guy, when does he eat? 😛 ) But they’re nice and dry and BEAUTIFUL.

        So. ADORABLE. Little birdie (cardinal?) squaking in the griffie’s ear. XD

        Homg more gryphs YAY. He does not seem happy, despite having a very nice dress collar. X)

        Very content winged wolf. What a smile. :>

        THANK YOU, NAM! They are too pretty. 😀


        Aren’t those beautiful!!!! I especially love the griffin with the birds and the winged wolf! The emotions and gentleness of the images are wonderful!


        Those are all great 🙂


          That winged wolf was actually a life drawing of our husky. 😀

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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          I love them, especially the second griffin.


            those are cool… I’ll have to get a grab bag sketch next time Jen decides to do some…


              I’m gonna try and nab one next time too. 🙂


              If they’re not sold out within two minutes. 😆


                Oh I love the wolf!!


                I think it was more a couple hours they were all gone.

                Of course, there were two of us (including me) who took 3, so we didn’t help AT ALL. (Yeah I know I’m greedy.)

                Having a knack for being in the right place at the right time helps. (I got my mint black Windstone griffin off eBay for $75 BIN that way- it was only minutes into the auction and I grabbed him!)

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