Jen's Sketches

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  • #722918

    Ahh, too cool! Is that a grab bag sketch, BDW?


      Awwwww! *heart melts* BDW, that sketch is fantastic!

      GB’s, yours is beautiful and regal. 😀


        Thanks guys…..wonder if unconsciously if Jen is passing a message…

        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Ahh, too cool! Is that a grab bag sketch, BDW?

        No it came with the book. I missed the grab bag batch 🙁

        I really love your GB 😀


          You got that one BDW? 😆 It was totally random. That was one of the last sketches I did, when I was fed up with drawing, so I drew some of the critters in a silly situation…

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          Fed up with drawing? So there won’t be a grab bag sale for a while?


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Fed up with drawing? So there won’t be a grab bag sale for a while?

            Sure, I get fed up after doing 30 in a day.

            Then the next day I am refreshed and ready to go! 🙂

            There will be more. 😀

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


            I can’t post pictures, but I at least wanted to describe my sketch! It’s a mother griffin with a baby griffin cuddled in her feathers! Thanks, Jen!


            Aww, man, PDC, I would love to see that. ;_;

            30 sketches in one day! Dang! Then again I know some art school students who have had to do similar numbers of drawings. D:

            (Psst, Jen, I hate to ask, but was there any post saying when the grab bag sketches were going out? I keep waiting for a PayPal shipment notice or summat…no rush, but eh, I don’t think anyone can blame me for being excited to see mine. 😆 )


              rockerbot wrote:

              30 sketches in one day! Dang! Then again I know some art school students who have had to do similar numbers of drawings. D:

              for one of the classes I had… I had to turn in a drawing pad with 30 sketches in it… and unfortunately the pad I had ended up missing… so the day it was due… I had about an hour to turn it in.. I did 25 sketches in about 15 min and drove it over to the school and turned it in…

              I made a 95 on it.. 😯

              but let me tell you I had a big headache after..


              😯 Wow, frozendragon. 😆


                Here’s my sketch!! I love it and will have to get a frame for it! So simple yet so cute!


                It’s beautiful!


                  the sketches are really beautiful! 😀


                  That is very cute! She looks so winsome!


                  So cute!

                  Mine’s in my scanner until I can find a frame or something for it. 😀 It’s a safe, flat place for it.

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