January '10 raffle

Home Forums Windstone Editions Announcements January '10 raffle

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        Sorry! It is taking me forever to get a pic of the raffle prize for January posted and it is getting really late, so if you would like to enter this month’s raffle to win a dark brown pinto Grand unicorn, you can send me your info now:
        If you have entered these raffles before, just email me your forum name ( please don’t use “PM”, if you can avoid it. It is a pain ).
        If you are new to these raffles, email me your forum name, your real name and your shipping address.
        My email is reptangle -don’t put in the “tm” – (at) gmail (dot) com
        I will post a pic of him in the Windstone blog tonight, or tomorrow, if I can get my dang camera to work. http://www.windstoneeditions.com/drupal/

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