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  • #552043

    Aw, sweet. πŸ˜€


      emerald212 wrote:

      I’m more interested in the color as opposed to the rarity of them. However, the sculpts that appear in Jade currently wouldn’t have to be reissued, so they could stay rare… but could imagine a Jade Emperor, or Rising Spectral? A Jade Male, Mother, Young, Hatching, Fledgling? Those would be so pretty! A Jade Lap! OMG! I’m going to drool, and I try so hard not to. πŸ™‚

      I have thought about this, but we have no idea which designs were issued in Jade! They are a mystery to us! I am pretty sure the Spectrals, Emperors and Warriors weren’t, but the Father, Mother,Young, Laps, Scratching and coiled ones have shown up in Jade.


        Melody wrote:

        emerald212 wrote:

        I’m more interested in the color as opposed to the rarity of them. However, the sculpts that appear in Jade currently wouldn’t have to be reissued, so they could stay rare… but could imagine a Jade Emperor, or Rising Spectral? A Jade Male, Mother, Young, Hatching, Fledgling? Those would be so pretty! A Jade Lap! OMG! I’m going to drool, and I try so hard not to. πŸ™‚

        I have thought about this, but we have no idea which designs were issued in Jade! They are a mystery to us! I am pretty sure the Spectrals, Emperors and Warriors weren’t, but the Father, Mother,Young, Laps, Scratching and coiled ones have shown up in Jade.

        And a Hatching Empress too. Wow! I didn’t know there were so many already. I guess I have to look for them more. By Father you mean the Male?


          Yeah, Father and Male dragon seem to be interchangable.


            Well, it does seem kind of sexist. The female one is the MOTHER, but the male one doesn’t have any ties to the children. πŸ˜†


              emerald212 wrote:

              Well, it does seem kind of sexist. The female one is the MOTHER, but the male one doesn’t have any ties to the children. πŸ˜†

              I’ve thought about that too. It’s like as long he is “the male”, and not “the father”, then he’s off the hook. Maybe uncle?


                I think the male they are referring to is the coiled male. I have not seen a jade ‘father’ dragon.


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  I think the male they are referring to is the coiled male. I have not seen a jade ‘father’ dragon.

                  I took it that they were speaking in general. Like they are shown here:

                  Edit: Nevermind what I just said. I just realized that you’re weren’t referring to my post. Sorry. πŸ™


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    I think the male they are referring to is the coiled male. I have not seen a jade ‘father’ dragon.

                    That’s what I thought too, but then she said “and the coiled ones” so I got confused.


                      I give up!!! I’m totally confused!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                        I’m sorry. I threw in another topic when I started talking about how calling the Male dragon MALE and the female dragon MOTHER was sexist. My bad.

                        I think Melody meant the Male Dragon when she said Father, because she also lists the coileds, so I don’t think she means the Coiled Father when she said Father. Does that help? I’m still waiting for Melody to clarify though.

                        I’ve started my checklist. I’m adding the Oriental Dragon to it as well, since they also came out in Jade.


                          emerald212 wrote:

                          I’ve started my checklist. I’m adding the Oriental Dragon to it as well, since they also came out in Jade.

                          Just for argument’s sake, wasn’t the Oriental a darker version of jade? I personally would call them 2 separate colors (compared to the Western dragon jade), but that’s just me. I wonder what a lap dragon in the oriental dark jade color would look like? Hmmmm…. *becoming dreamy eyed* πŸ˜‰

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