IVEP Rising Spectral still available …

Home Forums Administration Flea Market IVEP Rising Spectral still available …

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  • #492701


    I love all my dragons and don’t want to sell them but the holidays are coming up and it is more importaint that I get some things for others.
    This is what I have..

    IVEP rising spectral current offer 400 please
    IVEP sitting spectral ” 250.00 “ SOLD

    both with original boxes, tags and certificates. I’ve only had them for maybe a month so they are mint. They are so beautiful!! The violet really adds to the colors. :::sob:::


      Hi, sorry about your car.

      What kind of prices are you looking to get?


        Sorry to hear about your car…I’ve been having alot of car problems lately too and so I know how it feels, the cost for repairs are astronomical.
        Oh I also PM’ed you about a couple of pieces.



        I am sorry to hear about your troubles 🙁

        I PMed you 🙂


          Awh that is terrible. I’m sorry to hear about your car. 🙁


            PM’d you.


            Sorry you have to sell your pieces, Trottier. 🙁


            Me too .. but it happens .. I still have some not letting them all go.




              Sorry to hear about car troubles… they always stink. 🙁 Sorry that I can’t help out either. 🙁 I hope that all turns out well.

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