I've been thinking about making this purchase…

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    Teal! (I have no professional opinion :), just my personal preference) I like it way better.


      I agree with Foxfeather. If you’re wanting something that is a slightly more fashionable cut for the Mundane world, I’d go with the secpnd frockcoat. It has a verry elegant cut amd i think you’d look fabu;ous in. (please fprgove my spelling and typing, I’m pn muscel re;axants fpr may back…Sorry 😳 ) But fpr everyday=ish wear fpr the real world go with the 2nd frock coat. I think you’d be stunning in it (just am opinion from an old married mum with a degree in theatreart and lit.

      twindragonsmum 😀



        twindragonsmum wrote:

        I agree with Foxfeather. If you’re wanting something that is a slightly more fashionable cut for the Mundane world, I’d go with the secpnd frockcoat. It has a verry elegant cut amd i think you’d look fabu;ous in. (please fprgove my spelling and typing, I’m pn muscel re;axants fpr may back…Sorry 😳 ) But fpr everyday=ish wear fpr the real world go with the 2nd frock coat. I think you’d be stunning in it (just am opinion from an old married mum with a degree in theatreart and lit.

        twindragonsmum 😀

        You should type on musc;e re;axents a;; the time. Give your writing more character.

        I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
        Engaged to a Weasel


          I love the Serpentine. That would be something I would get my bf to wear to our wedding. But then of course, he’s not allow to outshine the bride. 😆


            BiPolarBear wrote:

            twindragonsmum wrote:

            I agree with Foxfeather. If you’re wanting something that is a slightly more fashionable cut for the Mundane world, I’d go with the secpnd frockcoat. It has a verry elegant cut amd i think you’d look fabu;ous in. (please fprgove my spelling and typing, I’m pn muscel re;axants fpr may back…Sorry 😳 ) But fpr everyday=ish wear fpr the real world go with the 2nd frock coat. I think you’d be stunning in it (just am opinion from an old married mum with a degree in theatreart and lit.

            twindragonsmum 😀

            You should type on musc;e re;axents a;; the time. Give your writing more character. 😆 😆 😆


              BiPolarBear wrote:

              I haven’t thought of using it for a film. Mainly just for Ren faires and Anime cons. At the Cons I go to we do this thing called the Rum Party where we all dress up as pirates and play games and generally have a fun time. It’s not historically accurate or anything. The only reason I was thinking of the gallery serpentine piece was that I might be able to wear it to more formal events in the “real” world . Cost wise they are both nearly the same because gallery serpentines prices are in ausie dollars that are worth less than the american dollar where the pirate captain’s coat’s cost is in euros which are worth more. It’s a large expenditure for me either way, which is part of the reason I was ask your opinion.

              I would personally not think either are super appropriate for regular formal wear. You culd wear the other one, but you would look (to me) kinda eccentric. If thats what you were going for, then it would work. I like them both. The v20 is more costume-y.


              I’m just going to say those coats all look really neat. Sometimes it’s a pity people don’t dress like that for daily life anymore. It’s classy. 😛


                BiPolarBear wrote:

                twindragonsmum wrote:

                I agree with Foxfeather. If you’re wanting something that is a slightly more fashionable cut for the Mundane world, I’d go with the secpnd frockcoat. It has a verry elegant cut amd i think you’d look fabu;ous in. (please fprgove my spelling and typing, I’m pn muscel re;axants fpr may back…Sorry 😳 ) But fpr everyday=ish wear fpr the real world go with the 2nd frock coat. I think you’d be stunning in it (just am opinion from an old married mum with a degree in theatreart and lit.

                twindragonsmum 😀

                You should type on musc;e re;axents a;; the time. Give your writing more character.

                You’re too cute! Thanx 4 the gyggl this a.m.! (Dane see wat i mean?)




                  Jasmine wrote:

                  I love the Serpentine. That would be something I would get my bf to wear to our wedding. But then of course, he’s not allow to outshine the bride. 😆

                  Oh come on let him wear it. Monkey suits are so boring.

                  I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                  Engaged to a Weasel


                    Well, I love it, I’m not sure he would. We’ve decided that our wedding colours are going to be black and red. So my dress is going to be trimmed with red embroidery and he wants a long suit jacket with a mandarin collar and his vest will be bright red. That’s about as adventurous as he gets. 😆


                      Pirates!!! I loooove pirates! hrrrrm…I like the teal one personally, but think the serpentine one would suit you better. I know…not much help… 🙄


                        I like the Black, but then again I have always loved black!! Very few little girls like black far less love it enough to want, have, and wear a Black Leather skirt and Top at 2 years old!! Few also have mothers that will allow them to have that!! But she drew the line at the White Doeskin dress. Man do I ever wish she hadn’t!! I want those outfits to fit me now!!


                          Jasmine wrote:

                          Well, I love it, I’m not sure he would. We’ve decided that our wedding colours are going to be black and red. So my dress is going to be trimmed with red embroidery and he wants a long suit jacket with a mandarin collar and his vest will be bright red. That’s about as adventurous as he gets. 😆

                          I think the serpentine frock coat would look great with a burgundy, or deep red shirt.

                          I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                          Engaged to a Weasel


                            Oooh yes! I agree! and you’d look great in it too…yup…after some thought I think the serpentine one would be great for you. 😉


                              Here’s my next 2 cents…… there is a costumer on line who does absolutely fabulous work. If you’re thinking of a frock coat along the lines of Severus Snape from Harry Potter. loof at her work. Also her pirate and naval uniformns are stunning! Here are the links




                              image heavy, but entirely worth it to the item from start to finish! It’s one of my favorite site 😀

                              twindragonsmum 😀


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