It's a vicious tigeeeeeerrrrrr!!!!!

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    What a pain in the ____. I’m sorry this is such a hassle – our health care system really needs an overhaul. I hope to see Michael Moore’s movie when it comes out.

    But congrats on seeing the baby’s heart! That must have been exciting! 😀

    I know this is going to sound weird but have you tried eating greasy food like french fries? I had a friend who vomited multiple times a day every day of her pregnancy (she lost 19 lbs the first trimester – and it was mostly muscle as she ran 8 miles a day) and she tried everything. For awhile she could keep down turkey and then poi (she was living in Hawaii) but finally a friend suggested greasy food and it worked! She got sick of fries, etc but at least she could keep it down.


      Its funny because my doctor told me to stay away from greasy foods. We went to McDonalds because my husband was starving and I was able to eat the fries but nothing else. I know you are supposed to be sick in the first trimester but this all day all night stuff is killing me.


        I was lucky with my son and didn’t have a lot of morning sickness, but I always made sure I went places with a pack of saltine crackers or something similar so I could eat. I discovered if I waited too long to eat, then I would get sick. So I just kept snack foods nearby and nibbled when I could.


        There is some sort of syndrome where pregnant women get sick all the time the entire pregnancy. It’s not very common and I forget the name of it but that’s what my friend had. She even had to be hospitalized one day for IV fluids when she got dehydrated after vomiting over 20 times in one day! She said she hadn’t tried greasy food because her stomach was so queasy (went the cracker, toast route) but if she could bring herself to eat the fries it did work. Not the most nutritious but she was loosing so much weight that she had to eat something. The good news is the baby was perfect – no problems!


          I refuse to have a scale in my house, but I know I’m normally 200lbs but when I went in for my first checkup after the positive test (I was around 2 months) and was at 198lbs, but I can tell you I had lost alot of weight off my belly and hips/thighs. By my second one a month and a half later I had lost even more fat, but had jumped my wieght up to 209lbs.And it had been almost 2 years since my last Dr.s visit(Read basic checkup) So I have no idea what the actual poundage “lost” had been, but I went down 6/7 pant sizes!! 😯 I was alittle worried at first especially since I had no actual Morning sickness(low blood sugar and reactions to foods I normally get sick from eating don’t count), and was eating like a pig!! There’s a reason we call the baby our little Monster!! Luckily I found out around our third visit (and after a round or two of Pregnant=Pincushion) that mine atleast is a genetic predisposition, and my Nan told me that the only way they used to know some of my aunts were pregnant was because they’d all notice that they were no longer “large”(Portly/overwight/fat whichever you prefer) but actually rather skinny, so it may also be perfectly natural for you too.

          I hope the morning sickness goes away with your first trimester!! and then doesn’t show up k for your third, like they tell me it likes to!! 😯

          YAY for Baby Heartbeats!!! 😀 😀 😀


            dragonessjade wrote:

            Haha, I think you would make it so she wouldn’t come back if you threw your cat at her. People have a hard time drawing my blood because I have small veins and they move. I would rather have my finger pricked then have someone draw my blood. I always have to get poked 2-3 times.

            that could be taken so many different ways but we have to keep it PG


              We know where your mind is 😆


                I’m sure my mind was not the only one that had to go there!!
                It was too easy

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