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      DDVM, thats pretty much how I feel… glad its not cancer. πŸ™‚ I think the surgery is not an option for me, though. I cant afford an SK either! πŸ˜† Doc said about $5000. πŸ˜• He is still mobile, so hopefully the pills will work. πŸ™‚

      Thanks for all the well wishes! I love you guys πŸ™‚


      The one other drug you might try (if he still seems in pain on the rimadyl) is amantadine. It’s a human drug – it’s related to nemantadine the drug used for Alzheimer patients. It blocks the perception of pain by the spinal cord. The dose is 3 mg/kg once a day and comes in 100 mg capsules. You use it with rimadyl and glucosamine. However, lots of vets have never heard of it and it needs to be scripted out to a human pharmacy. But I have seen it make a huge difference in a lot of dogs with arthritis.

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