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      So sorry that Rab is having problems. I hope it turns out to not be serious. ***pats for Rab, chocolate for you and hugs for you all.***

      My 13 pound, 13+ year old, pain in the butt mini Schnauzer started limping and having trouble going up stairs. Turns out he had inflammation in his hip joint. He gets glucosamine, chondroiton and MSM in his food and 1 baby aspirin twice a day. It helps, but he is old.


      I’m sorry your Rottie is failing, Ski. 🙁 Let us know what the X-Rays tell you.


      skigod377 wrote:

      Kyrin wrote:

      What did your vet put him on?

      Also, did he suggest a glucosamine supplement, and if so, which one?

      I have a few suggestions to add, once I know what your vet already said.

      Also, are your dogs overweight at all?

      KyrinThe vet put him on Rimadyl. I have also started giving them 500mg of glucosomine sulfate and MSM along with their food. They are on Nutro-something for seniors and it also has glucosamine added. He is not overweight. They look about 4 years younger than they are. They are a great looking pair. Rab was 114… which IS about 5 lbs heavier than he was the last time he was there, but still not fat at all. Vet even said he was very strong.

      The Rimadyl should help quite a bit, but it takes about a week before you really see much improvement. it is a really good anti-inflamatory though.

      There is a really good supplement that has all the goodies in it that works really great, and the dogs love it. It’s called Synovi-G3, ask your vet if he can get it for you. If not, it is available without a perscription so do a search on the net and find the best price for it. Get the chewables, dogs love them so much, my friend Angelina’s dog knocked over the tub and ate the whole thing once!

      When I was working for a vet for 2.5 years, the Synovi showed the most improvement in animals that started showing signs of hip problems and arthritis.

      Good that they aren’t overweight, if they had been, i would have suggested a diet to help take some weight off, since that contributes to the problem.

      Anyway, I hope the Synovi-G3 will help.



      I’m sorry to hear your puppy isn’t doing so well. it is painful to see them suffer. I hope it turns out to be something minor and he feels better soon!

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


        Well hopefully the Xrays will tell me what it is, then we can see what will help.

        Feeding them potatoe skins will be no problem. Rab sits there and eats them off the floor whenever I peel potatoes 😆 Dont know why, but the dummy loves raw potatoe skins and sweet potatoe 🙄

        I just wanna know what it is. I am glad he does not seem to be hurting all the time, but it cant feel good. I really hope it is not cancer. I will ask about the Synovi-G3. Maybe they will have some 🙂

        Thank you for all you well wishes. I knew you guys would have some advice and hugs… animal lovers and vets like you are! Thank you and I will def let you know how the xrays come out. Its killer not knowing!


          Just remember you have our support, no matter what.


          Sorry about your pup….I hope he has many pain free years left, but when it comes time to help him out of pain your will know….

          I feel your stress, in the last year we lost Torrie a elderly diabetic min pin rescue, Spicy an 8 year old chocolate min pin that was a little charmer, she had congestive heart failure, and Tasmania our 15 year old min pin. Tasmania’s grandaughter Terror is 13 and has breats cancer, it is getting worse and she won’t last the rest of the year.

          I have 2 14 yr olds, 2 13 yr olds, and the rest of my 9 min pins are all over the age of 6 yrs. The dachshund rescue is about 6 also……

          It is so hard when you have old dogs, they are so sweet and it is heartbreaking, because they are your children.

          My prayers are with you that this is just arthritis…and nothing more serious, hugs and I am here if you want to vent. I will be thinking about your babies and hoping they live nice long, happy lives 🙂


            Sorry to hear about your rottie, hopefully it won’t be serious. Keep us informed.


              pets are like kids I hope he/she gets better soon


                I’m sorry to hear about your dog Ski. I don’t have any advice to offer, but send love and healing wishes your way.


                I hope they figure what is wrong with your dog. My one pug was limping and I took her to the vet and he said that it was a stoke. And if her leg didn’t get better then they would have to cut it off. Thankfully it is better and she is able to use it, but it still isn’t the same as before.


                  sorry to hear that why would they have to cut it off??


                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  sorry to hear that why would they have to cut it off??

                  Because they said it would be in the way and she would just harm it more.




                      My dog is stil limping. He is out of meds and today he seems worse. Also, his appetite seems to be fading. Is this a side effect or something I should be worried about? All his functions are normal.. he is just eating very slowly… and… he may be puking 😕 I have two of them, so I cant really tell you for sure.
                      Dang… puked again!! 😡 Its gotta be Rab. Any ideas?

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