Is the OW emerald or is he jade?

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    the whole topic is a bit confusing so I’ll try to explain as simple as possible

    One of Melodys lines was called emerald-they were a relatively early production color so they were fairly variable in color- but the true color being a bright emrald color with some gold flashing. Apparently the emerald start out with a base coat thats in essence a blue green-very dark-then they are flashed over with the lighter emerald color, and then flashed in spots with gold. The jade pieces never get hit with that lighter flash of emerald, they remain a dark blue green- in esence missing the final coat–so you get a very dark blue-green dragon……continued


      purplecat wrote:

      What’s the difference between emerald and jade? I know I sound stupid but I’ve gotta ask. 😳

      Here is a picture of the two different colors on the original oriental:


      The confusion comes in to play when you talk about oriental dragons. The green ones are named Jade- but theres clearly two differnt models- one is the dark blue green jade- and the other has been flashed with emerald and is that kind of neon green–but technically both were called Jade. Apparently according to Melody- the traditional dragons that appear in the jade form are sort of mistakes, and perhaps only a few batches were made–thus very rare.

      I believe the jades were made very early in the history of the emerald dragon. I’ve had probably 12-15 pieces of true jade and all were obtained from very old collections– they never have tags usually very dusty and have been sitting there for ages, and I usually find browns and old greens when I find them, again very old stuff….. continued


      Its funny I had so many for so long but din’t want to sell them because I thought they were painting mistakes and were ugly-I never thought anyone would want them- I would put them in the store when all the other “pretty” ones were gone. Probably the rarest one is the hatching empres jade. I had one of them and I THINK DDVM bought it. I remember being worried whether the purchaser was going to complain because it was so weird looking– but it actually turned out to be quite a steal—-any way thats my story on the Jades—


      Lokie’s pix say it all—–I used to have a dog named Loki, my ex wife took him when we split–I really miss that dog-not the wife


        dragonkeeper wrote:

        Lokie’s pix say it all—–I used to have a dog named Loki, my ex wife took him when we split–I really miss that dog-not the wife

        Oh, I think someone else on the forum once had a pet named Loki too. I have a Mini Lop named Loki. Apperantly there are a lot of mischievous animals running about 😯 (and people too)


          Thanks so much! I kept hearing about jades but was confused because I only found mention of them here. Sorry you lost your Lokie though. I’ve got a one eyed cat named Lydia (her head got squished by a car before we adopted her). I’m biased but convinced anyhow that she’s the sweetest cat in the universe. My son nicknamed her Lydia Lionheart to make up for her being so small and forlorn.


            Aaww, that’s so cool you adopted less than perfect Lydia and were rewarded with a wonderful cat: -) My Sambuca only has one good eye, too. She’s my favorite lady, but don’t tell the others; -)

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