Is something wrong with the website?

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    I’m using Google Chrome, and I keep getting that Chrome cannot find this webpage. It can find the, but not the forum. I never tried the store, but I tried it in Firefox and couldn’t even get the main page (, at all.

    It’s only been happening in the last couple of days. So I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I was able to log in this morning (around 7-7:30ish), but not when I got home from work (5:30pm) until I tried again now (8:45pm).

    I need my forum fix!!! :shout: *is like a junkie* 😈


    I don’t know…I only sign out whenever something really goes haywire with the forums and it signs me out automatically…Then I have to bust but to figure out my password again. 🙄 *totally understands the forum fix thing* 😳


      I’ve not had much of a problem. One site to check to see if the forum (or any other website) is down is Just paste the forum address into the box and click the “or just me”. It will tell you if the site is down for everyone or if it is just down for you. Very handy.


      pegasi1978 wrote:

      I’ve not had much of a problem. One site to check to see if the forum (or any other website) is down is Just paste the forum address into the box and click the “or just me”. It will tell you if the site is down for everyone or if it is just down for you. Very handy.

      Huh, that’s cool. Based on when some people are posting, it’s probably just me.

      And I never sign out either. And I usually forget my password as well, when I have to sign in for any reason. 😆

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