is it just me?

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    Dragon Master wrote:

    mimitrek wrote:

    Dragon Master wrote:

    not for me in CA

    I’ve never had any problem either…and we’re both in northern CA — wonder if that has anything to do with it?

    Where are you located??
    I wonder if it was a distance thing??

    I’m in Silicon Valley (South Bay)…and Chessie said she never had any problem either. Maybe CA just doesn’t have any problem?

    Sorry I took so long to reply, but I haven’t had a chance to get on the forum since Tuesday — work has been a madhouse…looks like its going to be just as bad next week….


    We were already starting to wonder whether you’d gotten lost! 🙂 Welcome back, Mimi.


    Thanks! I was wondering when I’d be able to get out of the black hole myself.

    I’m working all weekend (sigh) but by 8:45PM I said the heck with it and decided to check the forum since I’ve been wanting to for days. Its been almost 3 hours and I still haven’t gotten through all of the posts! I shudder to think what would happen if I went on vacation for two weeks — I’d probably need 2 days to catch up on the posts… 🙂


    That’s the problem with forums. You always want to be caught up, and it takes so much time… Before I joined here I was online once a day for max half an hours. And now my laptop’s on half the time I’m awake.


    He he he…this forum is about as addictive as computer games…


    Except I don’t play PC games. Thank goodness. Or I’d never get anything done.


    That’s the truth. I got hooked on Civilization 4, and if I wasn’t so busy I’d be playing it now. Actually, I’m looking forward to spending a lot of time playing that when I’m on vacation. I’m off for 2 weeks after next Friday. Yay!


    Vacation is always great. Have fun!


    Thanks! I definitely can use some time to de-stress… 🙂


      I work in San Ramon so I’m not to far from you and I usually do not have trouble at work. Very little trouble at home either. I’m just above Stockton and about 30 miles south of Sacramento


        mimitrek wrote:

        Thanks! I was wondering when I’d be able to get out of the black hole myself.

        I’m working all weekend (sigh) but by 8:45PM I said the heck with it and decided to check the forum since I’ve been wanting to for days. Its been almost 3 hours and I still haven’t gotten through all of the posts! I shudder to think what would happen if I went on vacation for two weeks — I’d probably need 2 days to catch up on the posts… 🙂

        I was wondering where you’d run off to!

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