Iron Man

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      Saw it last night at our itty bitty one screen theatre here in Soda Springs and was completely blown away….. (Yes, I’m a comic book geek from way back 🙄 ) The story, excellent; costuming, superb; special effects, needs an oscar nomination; musical score, fabulous. Cameo by Stan Lee – perfect (he gets called ‘Hef’) Glad to see that Robert Downey, Jr. cleans up so nicely; he’s more than just eye candy *wipes drool from the keyboard* and Jeff Bridges makes one creepy bad guy…. (hubby couldn’t place Jeff Bridges. I told him just think TRON; he still didn’t get it) My whole family loved this flick. It was extremely satisfying to my comic book, fan girl geekiness with enough back story that my twinners got it without needing to be told what was going on…. I’ll prolly have to get this one when it comes out on DVD!

      twindragonsmum 😀





          I know nothing of the comic book on that one, but my husband does. He was thrilled by the trailer – I just thought it looked like a good movie! It’s on our “to see” list.

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            When you see it make sure to stay through the end credits….

            twindragonsmum 😀



              I have not even heard of the movie but Jeff Bridges has been in a LOT of movies. Starman. Fabulous Bakers Boys, Sea Biscuit etc


                I’m sooooo excited about this movie! Though movie showings are horrible here, so I doubt I’ll see it anytime soon. I might be able to see it during the 2nd showing, but it’ll probably be out on DVD by then :?. Maybe I can catch it at Mihama… but it’s almost $20 to see a flick off-base :x. *sigh* What I wouldn’t give for an AMC around here….

                Thanks for the heads up about the credits. We try to stay, because we’ve found a few movies that have something, but it sucks when there’s nothing there.


                Glad to know you liked it. I wasn’t sure about going to see it but I’ll go now.

                Robert Downey is a great actor when he’s clean – and I think he has been for a few years now. I really hope he makes it this time.


                  Will definitely be going to see it. Probably next week. Been looking forward to this since first announced the project. I’m a comic book geek too. 😆


                  im really pleased they chose RDJ, who else could play the role of a self obsorbed , alchy , womanizer than some one who is all those things . Hulk looks really good too this time ( the last one blew big time) with Edward Nortan , much more about Burce Banner and less Hulk . Good to see MArvel has taken back the rights to all thier character properties except SpiderMan ..maybe we will see some good comic movies and less of the Dare Devil type flicks …although i did enjoy Punisher

                  Next Summer comes the Watchmen ..comic nerds will know what they are 😀


                    Necron99 wrote:

                    Next Summer comes the Watchmen ..comic nerds will know what they are 😀

                    😯 YAY! Watchmen is the comic book that got me hooked on English comic books. I try to read anything Moore wrote. Ohboyoboyoboy

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      dragonmedley wrote:

                      Necron99 wrote:

                      Next Summer comes the Watchmen ..comic nerds will know what they are 😀

                      😯 YAY! Watchmen is the comic book that got me hooked on English comic books. I try to read anything Moore wrote. Ohboyoboyoboy

                      WOO HOO!!!!! Ditto the Ohboyoboyoboyoboy!!!!!! Next summer? 😯 That’s too long to wait…..

                      twindragonsmum 😀



                      4.5 Stars summarizes my review of Iron Man. I loved it!! Great following of the comic, even hints a bit for a sequel (Rhodes trys on War Machine? Yay!). Definitely worth seeing in theaters! 🙂


                        They’ve already announce the sequel will be coming out 2010. 😆

                        A little leary about the Watchmen…casting seems a bit odd and Alan Moore hates the script (but then he hates all the movies made of his graphic novels).


                        I watched Iron Man yesterday and i,,, LOVED IT!!!
                        I am not much of a comic person, but i loved it 😛 was so funny and cute and exciting!!!!!!!! I would liek to see it again or buy the dvd 🙂
                        Can someone please tell me what happened at the end of the credits?? I sat through most of them and thought there was nothing more and left ;o

                        Maybe pm me 😀


                        Maebnus3 wrote:

                        I’m sooooo excited about this movie! Though movie showings are horrible here, so I doubt I’ll see it anytime soon. I might be able to see it during the 2nd showing, but it’ll probably be out on DVD by then :?. Maybe I can catch it at Mihama… but it’s almost $20 to see a flick off-base :x. *sigh* What I wouldn’t give for an AMC around here….

                        Thanks for the heads up about the credits. We try to stay, because we’ve found a few movies that have something, but it sucks when there’s nothing there.

                        😯 Ouch.. for $20 you can buy a new release dvd here

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