Interference Paints

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Interference Paints

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    Lokie wrote:

    Kyrin wrote:

    I paid $11.99 each, online at Dick Blick it was higher and I’d have had to pay shipping too, so not sure where you get that.

    i do know that Canada pays a lot more than we do here in the states, so I’m not sure what you consider to be cheaper.


    I’m guessing you bought the 4 oz size, Kyrin? Because the fluid 1 oz on DickBlick is only $5 (I pay $6.50 + tax @ my semi-local fine art store and I consider $1.50 more a bottle expensive).

    The Winsor & Newton paints I use on my PYOs are only $1.99 a tube online and $3.75 at my local Michael’s. Even with shipping cost, if I was going to make a large paint purchase, it would be much cheaper for me to buy online.

    But it might depend on the Michael’s; the local one in your area, Kyrin, might sell paints cheaper than mine or other forum member’s.

    These were the 2 oz size, which is actually pretty big, I expect these will last me years. I don’t pay alot for any of my other paints, but the interference paints are special, so I splurged, my Mother’s day present for myself. 😀

    Anyway, I looked on Dick Blick and their prices seemed really high to me for Golden brand, though I did notice a cheaper brand of interference, but I am unsure of their quality, so I didn’t get those.


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