
Interference Paints…and The Cool Eyes….

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      I was wondering where to order the violet, orange, red, and green interference paints from in the states? The only think Micheals in my area sells is the blue and gold…any ideas because I would love a full line so I can expand. As far as regular paints go I have a wide variety of the golden colors and any I need I make. I am just having a hard time finding a website that look legit that i can buy the interference paints from.

      Then I was curious…I would LOVE to try these eyes from…Dreaming Tree Studios????? But I don’t know the website to go to, or what size to order for different pieces. How much do they usually run? I would like to get eyes for the PYO Keepers, Kirins, Small Dragons, Winged Wolves, and the Unicorns…but again I am blonde and can’t seem to find the info mixed in with all the other million posts lol.

      Can anyone give me the advice I need? I would love to get better at my PYOs, though I don’t think anyone would ever want to buy them, I love giving them to my family and friends and they all seem to like them…

      Thank you and warm husky howls to everyone! <3


        Amazon.com for the paints. Michael’s doesn’t seem to carry them any more. 🙁

        Dreamingtreestudio.com even tho the last I heard Amanda isn’t taking orders til the beginging of next year. There is another website to goto for her eyes but I can’t remember it at the moment.

        small dragon/griffin/kirin pyo all 8mm
        keeper 11mm
        those I know for sure…

        Hope that helps a tad! 🙂


          Try http://www.dickblick.com. They carry the Golden interference colors, Liquitex, and a whole bunch of interference and other oddball pigments in dry form that you can add to your paints or to a clear medium.


            When you go to dreamingtreestudio.com click the etsy link, she has a few things in inventory. No custom orders until January though >.<


              I get my interference paints from a local college supply store or online at Blick Art Supplies. I use Golden’s fluid acrylics.

              As for the eyes, Amanda is really easy to work with! I think she is in the process of updating her website (but don’t quote me on that). Simply email her —
              amanda@dreamingtreestudio.com — and she can provide you with all the info you need. 🙂


                Thank you so much everyone! Anyone know the sizes for the PYO unis and wolves?


                  there is a thread in the PYO section… http://windstoneeditions.com/forum/pyos-gem-eye-info-sizes-sources-etc that lists them all =D


                    Ah! Thank you Misty! DTS has some awesome ‘husky eyes’ I want for when I do Autumn’s PYO wolf :)…

                    PS So freaking excited about the 6th!!!!! lol


                      :bigsmile: Pretty soon you will have a whole little herd of PYO husky wolves lol, so cute!


                        Only 3 more 🙂 Mariah, Katy, and Autumn…not sure when I will do them…but that is the plan.


                          I ordered from dreaming tree, and it didn’t say what method they were being shipped. USPS, UPS, FedEx? Anyone know what the normal method they ship with is?


                            usps I believe. :bigsmile:

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