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      how is Frozed responsible for your whip lash?


        Dragon Master wrote:

        how is Frozed responsible for your whip lash?

        He is the one who was driving.


          skigod377 wrote:

          Geez… this day sucks. Im jet-lagged (Though it was a nice jet) I have whip-lash, (Nice driving, Frozen 😕 ) and to top it all off, I lost my pink floaty. 🙁

          well if you hadn’t been climbing out of the sunroof…

          how many times did I tell you to put your seatbelt one…. 😈 😈


            I was trying to get away!! You really should take a defensive driving course…


              You guys are too funny! 😆


              frozendragon wrote:

              Chessapeaka wrote:

              Private jet, pssh… it was probably a pink floaty and he went by sea…

              Pfft….purple floaty…I don’t do pink
              You do pink, we proved that in the other thread. 😆


                dragonessjade wrote:

                frozendragon wrote:

                Chessapeaka wrote:

                Private jet, pssh… it was probably a pink floaty and he went by sea…

                Pfft….purple floaty…I don’t do pink
                You do pink, we proved that in the other thread. 😆

                thppppt 😛

                that wasn’t intentional…and I’ll find a way to remove it…


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  I was trying to get away!! You really should take a defensive driving course…

                  I drive very well thank you….

                  although…if you don’t like going very fast…then you shouldn’t ride with me…



                    frozendragon wrote:

                    skigod377 wrote:

                    I was trying to get away!! You really should take a defensive driving course…

                    I drive very well thank you….

                    although…if you don’t like going very fast…then you shouldn’t ride with me…

                    advanced warning same here. The fastest way to get from point A to point B is to drive with me


                      Sorry to hear about that DM. My brother had a drunk driver pull out in front of him while he was on his bike. One of my other brother’s was driving behind him and luckily saw it happen, and it happened right in front of a doctor’s house luckily. He just has a messed up knee, but it could have been worse. This has been a nasty weekend for vehicle accidents.

                      I would love a porsche right about now! My camry is getting a new rear-end (stupid 18 year old too busy fiddling with her hair and make-up and following too closely didn’t see that I was stopping). Her dad’s car and she only had it for 28 days (2007 Chevy Cobalt). The rental they gave me is supposed to be comparable to my camry (2006). They gave me a Kia 😥 At least I wasn’t badly hurt her insurance company felt compelled to give me a check for my inconvenience (aka don’t sue our client) even though I just have a sprained/pulled muscle or two in my back that doesn’t hurt much at all. I’ve had torn neck muscles before from a car accident in college. NOT FUN! They are paying for my car repairs and the rental too, which is nice. It’s her second totalled car in a year. Can we say ‘revocation of license’? 😈

                      I just need to go to my chiropractor to make sure everything is aligned 100% before I start back at the gym weight training.


                        I would say revoked and NEVER issued again!!


                        Wow, siberakh, that’s no fun. And I agree with DM – someone like that should never be allowed to drive again.

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