Interesting Morphing of the White Color

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        That’s so strange, but I wonder if it’s just odd photographing in the first two pics? Because the third looks like a normal white mother…

        Are those your pics?


          It’s hard to say without seeing it in person, but based on my experience with such things, it looks as if either the camera attempted to auto-correct the brightness/contrast on an incorrectly exposed photo or it may have been adjusted in photoshop. Note the dark vignetting in the corners and grain. It almost appears to me that the contrast was adjusted too high and the darks too dark. The third photo seems to be the most accurate?

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            I think she’s a normal white mother, the picture’s just weird. You can tell by how dark the eye is in the first two pics; nothing like reality. Still, she does look very pretty like that. XD I saved the pictures, I liked it so much.


              No, they’re not my pics Stephanie, just something I came across.

              Could be you’re all right and it’s the color balance in the pictures that’s off, but white has been known to fade (if that’s the right word) to a pale gold color in some cases.

              Whatever the case, like you said kitsunelady, it’s a nice effect!


                I agree, it’s really striking! 🙂


                  The white dragons become more gold if they are subjected to smoke. We have some that were in a house fire and they are a lovely gold. I’m pretty sure that tobacco smoke exposure will cause the gold to show more too.


                    interesting, I was just wondering about that one…

                    4 things I'm looking for:
                    1. Mother Meerkat
                    2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                    3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                    4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

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