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      Hey GB….what did one dog say to the other?



        If it was my dog, she’d say, “Don’t hurt me or my mommy’ll get after you!” Sissy canine.
        I dunno, what did he say?




          What? No witty conversation from the mouths of dogs? He could have least said “growl” or something else impressive.


            What did one cat say to the other?


            The automatic reply would be “meow”…


              “Oh Henry, why DO we put up with such boorish creatures as these parasite infested mongrels? Their behavior is that of an ignoramus and just watching them makes my brain foam at the proverbial mouth……” “Quite, we rally must do something about it” “Tea?” “One lump, yes please!”


              XD That’s more like it.
              I bet they’re drinking loose-leaf vanilla tea with lots of milk. (Also happens to be my favorite.)


                I prefer a nice jasmine or mint medley from Bigelow myself! 😀 Though nothing beats some super steeped liptons on a cold morning!


                Jasmine is nice. So is litchi-peony. But that vanilla tea and milk is one of those scents that’s special because I associate it with sitting next to Oma and my favorite aunt, poring over a crossword puzzle. 🙂


                  That’s the mint tea for me. When I was little, when my dad would come to visit me on the weekends we would stay at a Vagabond Inn off the freeway, and there is a Kaplan’s Diner right next door. In the mornings before school we would go there for breakfast and I’d have Special K cerial and Bigelow’s Mint Medley tea. Or we’d go to Coco’s and I’d get strawberry pie if it was in season, and we’d sit and watch the cream swirls in my dad’s coffee.


                  mmm licorice tea… with nothing but very very strong…mmmm.


                  I prefer licorice outside of tea, I think. But I do like licorice. 🙂


                    *Gag* *Choke* Ewwwwww licorice >.< Ewwwwwwwwwwwww get it off! Gett it off!!!!

                    ZOMG you have no idea how hard it is to find a picture of someone really reacting to a nasty taste in their mouth…. 😡

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