Inner light dragon question

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Inner light dragon question

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    Hi all,

    I’m quite new here, and I’ve done a search but came up with nothing so please forgive me if I’ve missed this previously, but…

    The inner light dragon design seems *very* similar to a silver bead design by a brand called red bali frog. Or should I say the RBF bead is very similar to the windstone inner light dragon!

    These are the pictures that I’ve compared:

    I did once have one of these dragon beads, but I sold it a while back and from what I remember, it looks pretty much identical right down to the detailing, if only miniaturised! Has anyone else noticed this, and is it a coincidence, copyright infringement or is Melody just dabbling in beadwork with RBF?


      That is very similar, isn’t it? You should tell John by emailing him at John at windstoneeditions dot com (remove the spaces, change “at” to @ and “dot” to .). Include those links. For future reference, there’s a stickied topic at the top of this subforum for mentioning these things, but in the end, it should all be reported to John.

      Welcome to the forums, by the way!


      Thanks Ghostndragon, I just spotted that thread as well 🙁 doh! I will email John and let him know. Thank you for the welcome! 🙂

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