That’s the same manufacturer as some other dragons that have already been brought up, though I don’t know if they actually got reported to John, come to think of it. Definitely a rip off, especially if you go look at the matching standing dragon.
It’s so weird…these keep coming up as copyright infringement, but I swear I would never have thought “windstone” if I had seen those on my own. They don’t look anything like one to me! I understand the poses are very similar, if not directly copied, but the rest of the dragon is so different (and ugly!) I just wouldn’t make the connection.
It’s so weird…these keep coming up as copyright infringement, but I swear I would never have thought “windstone” if I had seen those on my own. They don’t look anything like one to me! I understand the poses are very similar, if not directly copied, but the rest of the dragon is so different (and ugly!) I just wouldn’t make the connection.