In the event of an unplanned website outage

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  • #506119

      Hello folks!

      As some of you may have noticed, we had an unplanned website outage this morning. Our fantastic tech folks are looking into why it happened, but needless to say, we are back up and running again!

      This information is preemptive; that is… if the site goes down again you obviously will not be able to log on here and read this. So I’m hoping that a few people that regularly use the site will read this and remember it in case we have trouble again. 🙂

      If you notice that the Windstone website is down, give it a few minutes. It’s possible that we just had a glitch or got overloaded when something popular went into the store.

      If the site is down for more than a few minutes, if you are able to, please check our facebook. This is where we will post if we know about the problem. If we already know, kick back and relax!
      Note that you do not need a facebook account to SEE Windstone’s facebook account. You can find contact information if you click the “about” link under the banner image.

      If we don’t seem to know about it, the best thing you can do is contact someone at the factory. or call at: 541-752-0404 or toll free: 800-982-4464
      (Note that Facebook has all of this information, in case you cannot get onto the website to look up the email or phone number!)

      If the website goes down during the off hours, when there is no one at Windstone to take your call or email, feel free to email me directly, as I now have the number to call to get in touch with someone that can help bring the site back up.
      There is a chance that I might see it if no one else does, since I am EST and I generally am up pretty early.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Thank you! I did not know that contact information was available via the Facebook page.


          Glad I posted this yesterday as I got an email this morning that the site was down– sure enough! I called it in and we seem to be up again.

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


            I’m lucky I had your email address saved in my contacts. I couldn’t remember where to find the Windstone contact info on Facebook this morning. Plus browsing from a phone means you don’t always see the same things as you would see browsing on a computer.

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