Today all the signs were right for me to do this, and Louis and I were already on the way to our salon to get his hair cut when I called Pam. Her sister picked up and told me she wasn’t home as she was getting her hair cut off and her head shaved. I had been going back and forth whether to cut off all my hair as it has terrible upkeep. So this was the deciding straw. I went all the way saving my hair for donation, and have shaved my head in support of Pam and we will hopefully be going to Disneyland together bald! 😀
I am still looking into where I will donate to, right now the prime candidate is Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths as they donate to all cancer patients while Locks of Love is only for kids under 18, if anyone has any suggestions please let me know!
I will post pictures as soon as I get them! Lots of love to all of you!
Some pics we took with Louis’ phone, the lady who cut my hair took a bunch with her camera, so more are forthcoming.