In Search of Rainbow Emperor

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    I recently got my mother the mother dragon in rainbow, for mother’s day, and she loves her and this weekend I happened upon a store with the male and hatching rainbow.. I just ordered a fledgling and I already had a young dragon and plan on giving it to her..

    sooo.. all she is missing is the Emperor. Does anyone have one they are willing to part with?


      No, but I’ll keep an eye out for you!

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!




        I sent you a PM with a number, also, still has them for $365.


        Yippers .. found one in MI.. last one. They don’t have the original box but they promised to pack him well.. really hope he gets here in one piece!


          Me, too. They are notoriously hard to ship 😕 Congrats though! He is on my list of wants.


          I must admit I am pretty frightened that it will arrive in pieces… 😯


          Ahh !! He came and he is perfect!! Oh Melody how wonderful the Rainbow coloring is on this Emperor!!!

          Awed overhim so much my husband told me to get one for myself and he will pay for it!! yippy!!! Guess that will be my B-day present this year.


            Congrats!! If you stumble across another, send him my way! 🙂


            will do Ski!


              The shop I was talking to recently about carrying Windstones again has a Rainbow Emperor left over from before the Canadian distributor closed. I’ll be picking up an order there sometime soon, I can ask what they want for him if you would like me to Ski, and about shipping him. I think they just want him gone, which could really work in your favor. The only thing is that he’d have to cross the border to get to you.


                Arya wrote:

                The shop I was talking to recently about carrying Windstones again has a Rainbow Emperor left over from before the Canadian distributor closed. I’ll be picking up an order there sometime soon, I can ask what they want for him if you would like me to Ski, and about shipping him. I think they just want him gone, which could really work in your favor. The only thing is that he’d have to cross the border to get to you.

                Thats great! He just has to have original box. Thanks!! 😀

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